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Chapter | Sixteen

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Chapter | Sixteen

Richard and Clara pulled me back to the bar, I winked at Thomas and Serena as they served me another magical drink, I didn't know the name of.

"Are we doing the 27 shots thing?" Richard asked with a laugh. "Fuck no" I spat and laughed a little, Clara kept looking over her shoulder, which made me follow her gaze.

I narrowed my eyes as she looked back as if she didn't find what she searched for. "What's wrong?" I ask her, she looks at me and takes a sip of her drink.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone I knew," She said. "I can see why you love working here" Richard said as he looked around.

"Right? The vibe is insane here" I agreed and laughed a little before downing the drink in one go. Richard winced and Clara sighed before running a hand through her hair.

After another hour, it was close to midnight, I was dancing once again, somehow keeping myself steady on the dancefloor.

Suddenly, I saw something. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to make sure my drunk mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

I narrowed my eyes as he fought his way through the crowd, his eyes set on me, his smile sent my way. Yet I didn't feel like it was real.

I was drunk, really drunk.

But when his hands cupped my face and he started down at me and leaned in, I did feel his body heat. "Taron" I acknowledged in relief, he grinned "Happy birthday, baby" He said and kissed me.

I had never felt such a relief before, relieved that he made it. Relief that he actually managed to come before midnight.

My arms wrapped around his neck, as I deepened the kiss. He pulled me closer and let one arm wrap around my waist as the other cupped the back of my neck, pulling me closer if possible.

"I didn't think you were going to make it" I half whispered when we pulled away for air. "I almost wasn't able to, but here I am" He said and smiled a little.

"I'm really sorry, I've been a shitty boyfriend these last couple of weeks. I've been so busy and we're starting a new movie, so I actually have to leave again tomorrow night–""—Don't, just– let's enjoy now and be happy while I have you here, okay?" I interrupt him and he nods.

"I am sorry though" He said and I just kissed him to shut him up.

Taron was perfect the entire evening and night, he met my friends and we celebrated four hours even after he had arrived. "Your gift is in your apartment, I can't wait for you to see it" He said as we had a moment to ourselves by the bar, I hummed and raised a brow.

"I get a gift too? Your presence isn't enough?" I tease him, adding way too much weight to his ego. "Aw, Jesus you're gonna make me all cocky and confident if you keep this up" Taron snorted before pulling me back in for a kiss.

"My bad" I whispered against his lips before letting him deepen the intense kiss. His kisses always did something to me, it always felt like he was kissing me like he would never see me again.

I loved that, he made sure I wasn't in doubt of exactly how much he liked and cared for me. I always felt a warm sensation in my chest whenever I was with him.

Even now, I felt all giddy and tingly inside. I couldn't get enough of him, the pain of when he was working was harsh, but the happiness he created whenever he was here, it went beyond the dark and sad times when he's away.

I couldn't wait for the months coming for us, I was excited to see where all this was going. It felt right, he felt right. I felt something I hadn't felt in many years, things I didn't even feel with Michael or any past boyfriends.

I acknowledged the fact that I had fallen for Taron already, I was in love with him, deeply. I just didn't want to tell him yet, right now it was dates and desperate phone calls and the effort he was making was moving my heart.

I feared the effort would slowly wear off if we settled our feelings too fast. I didn't even know if Taron felt like I did at this early in our relationship. So, I kept quiet for now.

I bit my lip deep in thought of everything, Taron noticed and shot me a wholehearted smile, he gently reached up and pushed a strand of my hair out of my face.

"What's on your mind?" He asked and let his hand settle on the back of my neck. Holding me close, but giving me space to elaborate my thoughts to him.

"I want to get out of here" I said in a low voice, but I knew he would be able to hear me. He smiled a little and nodded. "Clara, Rich–we're leaving, thank you for taking care of my girl" Taron called out, I chuckled and looked at the couple making out like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm damaged for life" Thomas chipped in from behind the bar as he watched his colleague make out with a guy like that. I snorted and waved at both Thomas and Serena before sneaking out of the back, with Taron closely behind me.

"Here, I got us a ride" Taron called out and pulled me into the opposite direction of where I was going, I smiled at him and let him lead us towards the black SUV.

"By the way–my boss did not approve of the visible hickeys you left all over my neck and chest" Taron added with a sharp look, though it turned playful within seconds as he opened the car door for me.

I got into the backseat and he followed and slammed the door shut. Taron didn't even tell the chauffeur the address, he just took off. I couldn't even see the driver, a black sort of curtain separated us from the front of the car, leaving us in our own little bubble.

"I missed you, I really fucking missed you" I half whispered as I played with his undone tie. He smiled down at me and his left hand reached up and cupped my cheek, directing my face upwards so my lips could meet his.

Taron didn't have to voice just how much he missed me, I felt it in his kiss. Our lips worked perfectly against each other, barely leaving any room for breathing.

I didn't care though, I grew even more eager. I was drunk, I missed him. I was horny as hell, fuck I would let him take me in the back of the car if he wanted to.

The idea of him taking me here and now, made me shift in my seat, closing my thighs even tighter together. Taron noticed and kissed me harder, he knew exactly what was going on.

His hand slowly slid up my bare thigh, leaving me defenseless when his hand slid between my legs, I whimpered in his mouth as his fingers brushed the fabric of my soaking thong.

He pulled away and dropped his forehead against mine. "Don't make a sound" He whispered in a hoarse deep voice. His voice alone sent goosebumps and shivers down my spine.

Without warning his index finger slid my thong to the side and teased my folds, I was about to moan helplessly, when his lips slammed back onto mine.

His finger plunged into me, letting my mouth widen a bit more, his tongue danced with mine. He quickly inserted another finger as he sensed just how ready and needy I was already.

His fingers curled upwards and pumped in and out of my throbbing pussy, when he hit the spot that ended everything for me–his hand wrapped around the back of my neck again and made sure he would shut me up perfectly with his mouth.

My orgasm crashed and my hips jerked against his hand, once I had come down Taron pulled away from the kiss. He bit his lips as he pulled his fingers out painfully slowly, letting me feel empty and eager for more. I knew this was only the start of the night for us.

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