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Chapter | Nine

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Chapter | Nine

I didn't see Taron for a few days after Thursday night, when he and Richard had been over and everything went out of hand.

Clara and I had been working double shifts at the club this weekend as a few celebrities had an event at the club. We were the best they had so we worked overtime which wasn't unusual.

A double shift turned into triple shifts before I was able to go home. After many drunk guys sliding napkins with phone numbers over and attempting to get into my pants, I was happy to say that I wouldn't be back for the next four days.

A huge fucking relief it was.

At eight in the morning, I made my way up the stairs and sighed in exhaustion as I stumbled into my door, I rested my forehead on the door. Needing a moment before I had the energy to find the right key to get in. "Iz?" Taron's voice brought me out of my energy search and I looked over to his door.

He had a worried look on his face and I almost scowled at him. "You okay? You look like hell" He said and came closer. "I'm fine" I replied and unlocked my door before he could get closer and so I closed it after me before he had a chance to hold me back from my bed.

I didn't bother to shower, I just hopped head first into my bed. Immediately passing out from exhaustion.

I don't think I was okay, my body was heavy and dragging me down. My head was hurting and I was beyond exhausted. I was done for.

I didn't have the energy to deal with Taron being weird. Not after he left without a word, dickish move, but I got past it.

It just didn't have the energy to deal with anyone right now.

I woke up nine hours later, darkness was already setting, it was almost time for me to get my ass up and cook dinner. Just the thought made me groan in exhaustion.

But I got up, took a long hot shower and got dressed in underwear, I didn't bother to put anything else on, knowing I was going right back to bed soon.

I cooked pasta carbonara and ate in silence, I didn't have the energy for a movie, music or anything else of that sort.

Soon enough I had cleaned everything up, then I went out on my balcony, slipping an oversized shirt on, I needed air.

But as soon as I walked out, the sound of a voice filled my ears, someone was singing and the sound of a guitar. I closed my eyes as I paused in the doorway, not fully deciding to go out there.

The song was beautiful and one I recognized. Fire on fire by Sam Smith.

"Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire, mmm

It's fire on fire"

My eyes widened when I realized who was singing. Taron, of course it was. I couldn't escape the guy for two seconds.

"When we fight, we fight like lions

But then we love and feel the truth

We lose our minds in a city of roses

We won't abide by any rules

I don't say a word

But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know

There you go, saving me from out of the cold"

I slipped out without him noticing me and I sat down on my couch once again. He was shirtless, of course he was.

Who doesn't sit on their balcony while singing and playing guitar while being shirtless? I put my head in my hands as I listened, he had an annoyingly good voice. It calmed me somehow.

"Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire, oh

It's fire on fire"

I loved that song, that's why I stayed. It was an intense song, one that hit my heart everytime I heard it. Now that Taron was here singing it, I didn't know what I loved the most.

Suddenly the direction of his voice became louder and I knew he was looking at me while singing, I looked up at him with tired eyes staring into his eyes. He smiled a little, a hint of sympathy in his eyes, as if he knew what I had dealt with all weekend.

"Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire"

He kept staring into my eyes, and I was unable to look away, too caught up in the intensity of his voice and the song itself.

"You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire"

He finished and put his guitar down. "You didn't answer me earlier, so are you okay?" Taron called out and got up, walking over to the edge of his balcony.

"I'm fine, I just had a busy weekend" I half whispered and finally looked down. It didn't take a genius to know what happened next, Taron jumped over and sat down next to me, pulling me into his chest as his arms wrapped securely around my body.

A few tears escaped from feeling too overwhelmed with everything, he only hugged me tighter, his warm skin sent a calming sensation through my body and I almost melted into his body from exhaustion.

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