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Chapter | Two

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Chapter | Two

After working all day I was finally picked up for my date. Michael and I had been dating for three months, he was nice and for once I was able to keep up with my work and my private life.

It was perfect.

Though when Michael had picked me up, we met Taron on the way down, he walked up and saluted me with a cocky smirk on his face. I glared at him and Michael looked between us confused, but when I pulled him after me, he didn't question it.

Now here we were, I should be focusing on what Michael was telling me, but I was thinking deep into my neighbor's situation, Taron popped up in my head and a scowl found its way to my face, just by the thought of him.

"Are you okay?" Michael suddenly questioned. I snapped out of my thoughts and the scowl on my face disappeared and I smiled up at the man.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night, after work my neighbor was having a party till shit in the morning" I apologize and I did mean it.

"You can stay over at mine for the next few days if you want? I don't mind the company" Michael said and winked a little, I chuckled and intertwined my hand in his across the table.

"Thank you, I might take you up on that offer" I say and lick my lips before taking a sip of my drink. Michael shoots me a smile and nods at my food. "Eat"

We eat and talk for hours, until the alcohol seems to get to my head, it all turns a little more heated than expected. Michael's hands wandered and so did mine.

Which is why we were now stumbling up the stairs to my apartment, my back hit the door as we stood in the hall, Michael kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh wow, ain't that a sight" A voice cut us off, I pulled away from Michael and turned my head left to glare at the person.


He leaned against his own door and smirked. "He's right, we should go inside instead" Michael said with a smirk. Taron's smirk dropped a little, which was enough for me to smirk and unlock my door.

"Have a lovely night, Taron" I bid him, his face turned to a sarcastic smile and he scoffed before walking back into his own apartment.

I chuckled as Michael closed the door behind us and locked it. "Nice one" I retorted before crashing my lips onto his again.

Deciding to give Taron hell for last night, we would see if I could scream loud enough for him to lie awake all night.

My back arched as Michael kissed his way down my body, his lips grazed my lace panties, he tugged at the waist band and I released a small whimper.

"You are amazing," Michael said breathlessly before coming back up to my face. He began kissing down my neck as my hands roamed his body.

His hands slid my panties to the side and pressed his fingers knuckle deep into my pussy, I moaned out and his mouth swallowed my moans as he kissed me hard.

His fingers pumped in and out of me as he added another, I was a moaning mess within seconds, before my orgasm crashed down on me, he pulled his fingers out.

"Fuck" Michael groaned and rolled a condom on his cock, once he had, I stroked his cock a few times and lined the tip at my entrance.

Michael groaned and pushed his hips forward, filling me up with his cock. A gasp left my lips at the size, it had been a while.

Once I adjusted he began to thrust harder and faster into me, his roughness and speed made it impossible to silence my moans, so I stopped trying to.

Fuck Taron, he could jerk off to us. Prick.

I flipped us over and I straddled his hips, his cock still inside of me, I began riding him. Moving my hips and bouncing up and down on him, my moves made him groan in pleasure.

Another few thrusts followed and then Michael changed position, he lifted me up and walked to the wall against Taron's apartment.

I eyed him wearily, but when he slammed me against it, I wasn't confused as to what he was doing. He thrusted into me as my legs locked around his waist.

My moans were shamelessly loud as he fucked me against the wall. Poor Taron...

"Oh fuck, you're so fucking tight" Michael groaned rather loudly, I blushed a bit knowing there was a big chance that Taron could hear every bit of it.

"Shit" I moaned as another orgasm crashed down on me, my body jerked as Michael continued to fuck me, not letting my orgasm slowing him down.

Realizing we had been at it for an hour, I winced at the time of the night.

"Fuck" Michael cursed as his cock pumped into me, spilling his seeds in the condom, still buried deeply inside of me. He rested his forehead on my shoulder as he calmed down.

Suddenly something banged against the wall, shocking me as I felt it on my back. "I think he learned" Michael says while panting as he caught his breath, I giggled and captured his lips with mine.

After a shower and another round, I was laying in my bed in exhaustion. Michael was asleep next to me on his back, I laid on my stomach, completely naked.

I couldn't sleep.

I slid out of the bed and grabbed my robe and slipped it on. Then I headed for my balcony, I quietly opened the door and slipped out and closed it after me.

The cold fresh air hit my skin, I sighed in relief before stepping further out. "Can't sleep?" A voice called out. I clenched my jaw in annoyance and turned to my right.

Taron stood there, a smirk plastered across his face. Which made me want to smack it off. I didn't respond, I just scoffed and turned back to the streets in front of me. "I'm guessing the adrenaline and dissatisfaction from the sex is keeping you awake? Shame that he can't fulfill your needs" Taron retorted and laughed a little, a smirk now on his lips.

"If you can't tell, I'm ignoring you" I retorted and flipped him a sarcastic smile and flipped him my middle finger. "Oh, that's what it is" Taron retorted amused.

He placed his hands on the rail of the balcony and he leaned over in my direction. "You know, I must've really pissed you off. For you to put on a show like that, I mean" Taron continued.

"Do you get off from pissing me off?" I retort and spare him a single glance. He grins when he sees that I responded to his words. "Can't say that I do," Taron winked.

"How old are you? You're acting like a spoiled child" I retort with a scoff. Everything I said, he turned into his own benefit and somehow gained the upper hand. "I'm thirty one, sweetheart," Taron said with another laugh. I took him in and realized he was shirtless, how did I not notice that before?

He was well built, a sixpack and big muscles. My eyes regrettably wandered further down his stomach, his v-line was on display as his jeans hung low on his hips.

If Taron noticed my staring, he didn't voice it. Which I for once appreciated. "Goodnight, douchebag" I retorted and turned around towards the door.

"Goodnight, Isobel," Taron called out amused, but his next words made me freeze on the spot.

"By the way, your robe is completely see through. Not that I'm complaining about the view" Taron's voice screamed just how amused he was. I hurried inside and heard his laughter. It would haunt me for nights.

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