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Chapter | Twenty

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Chapter | Twenty

I didn't get much sleep for the rest of the night and the early morning. Eventually I gave up, I got up, showered and got dressed. I marched next door and pounded on the door, letting Taron know he wasn't going to get rid of me.

I live next door to him and I've got all day. He couldn't ignore me all day, it was impossible. I would catch him come and go—unless he didn't leave the apartment at all.

Otherwise I was going to have to improvise and do a Taron and jump over on his balcony, though I wasn't sure I was fit enough to actually make that jump properly.

"Taron, open up" I called out and knocked on the door again. When I heard a painful silence, I rested my forehead on his door. "Fuck" I hissed under my breath.

"Taron, please" I called out once again. Our neighbors would have the biggest fucking laugh over this. If I stayed here and looked like an idiot.

Then I heard movements behind the door and I straightened my back and prayed for the door opening. Though when it did, I was disappointed when I saw a shirtless Richard.

He was obviously hungover, his hair was messy, he was pale and his eyes were squinted almost shut. "He says he's not taking visitors at this moment" Richard said groggily as he shot me his best sorrowful look.

"Fuck off" I retorted and pushed past him with ease. I immediately headed to his bedroom and pushed the door open without a word.

Taron was sprawled out across his bed, hungover as well. "Taron, get the fuck up" I snapped at him and threw a shirt at his head. "I don't think your tone is fair when you think about how you lied to me" He mumbled and rolled over on his back and looked up at him.

The shirt hung from his head as he leaned onto his elbows. "We need to talk, now" I said and crossed my arms at his cheap shot. He groaned as he sat up and put on the shirt I had thrown at him.

"Balcony" He said as he stood up, he wore sweatpants so now he was fully dressed and unable to distract me during this fight. I followed him as we exited his bedroom and headed for the balcony.

"Good luck" Richard called out lazily from the couch before burying his head in the cushions. Taron shook his head a little before closing the glassdoor behind me.

I sat down on the outdoor loungeset he had and he followed suit. He ran his hands over his face and sighed in exhaustion. "I didn't mean to hurt you, believe it or not. I did think it was better to tell you when you came back" I started out. "And I'm sorry that I did hurt you" I added.

"You weren't going to tell me, were you? If you could've gotten away with it, you wouldn't have said anything, would you?" Taron questioned without looking at me.

"I hadn't quite decided yet, I did think about ways that I could get away with it and not tell you, but I also knew that I would eventually fold and tell you" I admitted.

Lies | Taron EgertonWhere stories live. Discover now