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Chapter | Twenty Three

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Chapter | Twenty Three

Two months later, we were on a date with Clara and Richard, a double date. While we were celebrating our seven month anniversary, they were celebrating their official coming out in a relationship.

Taron and Richard had chosen the restaurant, it was far from the city. It was perfect. The entire evening we had so much fun, our laughter filled the restaurant.

Everything was perfect. The food was amazing, everything was going great. Until it didn't.

People were gathering outside, eager to stare inside the restaurant. "What's going on out there?" I asked with worry. It looked like a few people were taking pictures as well.

Richard and Taron finally noticed the mob of people gathering outside. The two shared a look, I couldn't make out what it meant to them, but Taron's face began to pale.

I reached my hand up and touched his face. "What's wrong? You don't look so good" I said as I turned fully to him, he clenched his jaw and looked down at me.

"We need to go, now" He said, Richard agreed and Clara didn't question a thing, which made me feel like I was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

"The owner said we can go out of the backdoor" Richard came back and said. I narrowed my eyes as Taron pulled me up, gently but with a hint of urgency. "Taron, what's going on? Why do we need to go out of the back entrance?" I asked him. I didn't understand.

"Clara" Taron called out, the looks he gave her made no sense. But she nodded and wrapped her arm around mine. Taron and Richard went aside and discussed something.

"What's going on, Clara? Please tell me, don't treat me like I'm an idiot" I beg her. "There's just a few people out there who have seen Richard in a movie, he was an extra and they loved him. So, we just have to sneak out the back" Clara said, her lip twitched and I knew there was a lie amongst that.

"The backdoor is blocked as well now, we have no other choice than to head out front" Richard said, Taron shook his head with frustration. "Fuck" He cursed under his breath.

"Alright, stay close to me, don't listen to shit they say, okay? I need you to do this for me" Taron said and cupped my face in his hands. I nodded in confusion.

"If you tell me what's going on" I repeated. "I will, when we're out of here, okay? Stay close" He repeated and I nodded before taking his hand as he let go of my face.

He sighed deeply before he followed Richard and Clara outside. Taron instantly pulled me into his side as people began to take pictures and screamed. "Taron!" People shouted.

"Is that Mrs. Egerton!?" Someone shouted, I narrowed my eyes. "Taron! Look over here!"

"Richard! Look over here! Is that your new girlfriend?"

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