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Chapter | Twenty Nine

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Chapter | Twenty Nine

I hadn't taken any extra shifts while Taron was away, this time I would listen to him. He had been very pleased with that when I told him, as one can imagine.

While he was away, I was giving everything a deep thought. I felt that I was comfortable with the way Taron handled his fame, it wasn't as bad as I had feared. I knew I hadn't seen much of the bad side yet, but it wasn't looking too bad.

So, that left me wondering what I needed to let him back in completely? What was missing? I knew the truth, he showed me how to handle it myself and his fame.

I had seen that Taron was still Taron, Edwards or Egerton, he was still him. So, what was holding me back? I nearly smacked my head into the wall trying to figure it out.

Not only for my own sake, but for Taron as well. He didn't deserve to suffer for longer than necessary. I wanted to give him my everything again.

He had lied about his name and his job.

I realized maybe it was because I hadn't seen him actually do his job. Maybe to be completely comfortable and sure, I had to see him on set?

I thought it over and eventually confirmed to myself that it had to be the only thing holding me back. I was ready to tell Taron when he came back home.

He came first though, he had some news. Ones that were hard for him to tell me, he had been pacing for the last twenty minutes as I sat on his balcony sipping wine, while he paced.

I remained quiet as I gave him a chance to tell me whatever it was. He obviously wanted to say it the right way, to leave no room for misunderstandings.

"Okay, so here's the thing–" Taron started and stopped in front of me. I nodded my head as I swallowed my wine and placed the glass on the table.

"I have a new movie coming up, I auditioned a few months ago and they want me in it. It's a romance type of story, so there'll be...–romantic things happening in it" Taron said, the distress was clear on his face and he even began sweating.

His forehead was shimmering in beads of sweat. I wasn't shocked to hear he had another movie role with a romantic story line.

"Okay..." I said and stayed quiet, letting him have room to tell more. Which he did, the actress with the romantic role was with Suki Waterhouse. An actress I instantly googled.

"It's not sex or intimate scenes, it's a few kisses here and there. There's not much focus on it in the movie" Taron said and awaited my reaction.

"Okay, I want to see it" I said, Taron narrowed his eyes a little, trying to figure out what I meant with that.

"I want to see it on set, idiot. I can't move past everything if I don't see how it works with you smooching on other women and men" I explained, Taron tsk'ed at the mentioning of 'men' and I smirked a little.

"You'll never let that go, will you?" He asked knowingly with a sigh, I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kneeled in front of me. I pulled him into a kiss which he gladly responded to.

"Fine, I'll take you to the set and I'll plan everything. You have next weekend off right?" Taron asked and I nodded. Confirming that I did.

"Alright, you're coming with me to New Orleans, then" Taron said. "Wait–what?" I gasped in surprise. That's one fucking long flight.

"Yup, no backing out now" Taron kissed and pecked my nose before smiling at me. "Aw fuck" I cursed and threw my head back, letting go of his neck and shoulders.

Without warning Taron had scooped me up in his arms, his hands cupping my ass as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He began to walk inside his apartment and I eyed him with suspicion.

"What are you doing?" I half whisper amused. "I'm seducing you, isn't that obvious?" He questioned and pressed me into his crotch harder than before.

"As I said, I can't move past what happened if I don't see how it works and how it feels to see you with other people for entertainment" I said and smirked a little when he groaned.

"Fuck, we're leaving tomorrow then" He said and I gasped in offense. He used the opportunity to kiss me, his tongue melted into mine as they moved.

It wasn't long till my back hit his bed, once again I wasn't worried about Taron trying to pressure me, he understood a no. He respected me.

"How about another trust exercise, hmm?" He suggested as he pressed himself into me. I bit my lip a little as I debated on whether or not I could resist the urge to take it further.

But fuck, I was horny and I needed him.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked after a minute of silence. Taron grinned and I reached out for his belt, only for him to slap my hands away. "Nuh-uh, this is all about you and your trust. So, trust me for a few minutes" Taron said with a smirk.

He slid his hands up my bare legs and reached my skirt, he didn't try to slide it further up, he was teasing me.

He reached the zipper on the side and began to slowly unzip it, letting me grow impatient as the desire for him only worsened.

He crashed his lips onto mine as he finally undid the zipper, freeing me of my skirt, his fingers traced up and down my panties, they were already soaked, I knew.

The smirk on Taron's lips told me so as well, his fingers slid my panties to the side and began rubbing them in my juices of desire.

He wetted his fingers between my folds, he slid them painfully slowly up and down. Parting them, I moaned as his touch sent tingles to my very core, a need for his fingers knuckle deep inside of me filled my senses.

"You trust me" Taron whispered against my lips, his tone telling me he was pleased and grateful for the trust I showed him, even during sexual moments.

"Yes" I whispered, it was more of a whimper, really. I was vulnerable and desperate as his fingers debated on showing me mercy or continue to torture me.

"Please, Taron" It slipped out faster than I could register to stop it. Taron smirked and let his two digits sink into me, my walls clenched around them instantly, he groaned a little as he felt it.

"Fuck" I moaned, Taron let me voice the pleasure he gave me and began kissing down my neck instead. His fingers moved slowly in and out of me, dragging my juices out every time he did.

I felt it run down my cheeks as he did this, he was coating my inner thighs and ass with my own desire. "Taron, I swear to god–" He cut me off as he thrusted his fingers deeply inside of me, cutting me off as he gave me the push I needed.

His fingers hit the perfect spot, I only needed him to do so a few more times and I would have my release.

But the look on his face told me he didn't intend on letting me have it. He smirked down at me as he watched me moan and squirm under him.

"Please" I begged as I clenched my eyes shut from the painful pleasure, Taron pecked my lips before pumping his fingers in and out of me faster, giving me the speed I needed. I moaned shamelessly as my orgasm neared.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open as I felt Taron's tongue on my pussy, working with his fingers inside of me as well. "Oh fuck, yes" I moaned.

His tongue flicked on my sensitive bud, that action alone sent me over the edge and I came on his fingers. He used them to ride out my orgasm, he almost looked proud when I had come back down to earth. "You do trust me a bit more" Taron said pleased as he smirked up at me.

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