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Chapter | Eight

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Chapter | Eight

When I woke up, I was still outside on the balcony, the sun was rising and I slowly lifted my head. I narrowed my eyes when I saw that I was alone?

I looked down and saw Taron's suit jacket covering my small balled up body. When did he leave?

I groaned a little as I felt the pain of the many wine bottles we had gone through last night. Then I remembered Clara and that Richard guy, I grimaced at the thought of the two going at it in my living room.

I didn't even want to know where or what they had done last night.

I sighed as a feeling of disappointment settled in my stomach, why had Taron left? I got up and stumbled a bit as my foot hit a bottle, making it fall over.

I winced at the loud noise and I snuck my way back inside my apartment. I saw Richard and Clara laying on my couches, relieved that they were wearing clothes.

I headed to my bedroom and dropped myself on my bed, I groaned quietly as I turned on my side and hugged my sheets close.

Last night we had been so close to kissing.

"Don't be so dramatic, you'd love it" Why did his lips suddenly seem appealing?

His eyes traveled to my lips and mine to his, I didn't know what came over me, but if he had tried. I would've kissed him back without a second of hesitation.

I had almost wished for him to crash his lips against mine. But he didn't.

He had pulled away before it could happen, an uneasy look settled on his face and he turned away from me.

I scooted closer to him and put my hand on his back. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him. He turned his head sideways and saw how close I was and he smiled a little.

Though what seemed like pain, danced in his eyes. "I'm fine" He exhaled a deep breath and turned back to me. His hand cupped my left cheek, he ran his thumb over my skin, goosebumps raised on my arms.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or do. He was so gentle, yet confusing.

"You look amazing, did I tell you that already?" Taron then covered his small moment of sweetness up by pulling away and turning back to his flirty and cocky behavior.

I laughed a little and shook my head. This man was a weird one, but he was sweet. I finally realized that and acknowledged it. Which Clara would give me hell about later.

"No" I replied and shook my head, a smile dancing on my lips. "My mistake" Taron said with a grin before taking a swig of the wine bottle.

He had talked about everything and nothing, all in between. The most random topics, yet I had spent all of my night on the balcony with him.

His legs laid against mine as he leaned back on the couch and I kept my legs up underneath me and leaned my head onto the backrest.

He had charmed me in many ways the entire night, yet I found myself wanting more. With every smile and laugh he pulled out of me with his presence alone, I didn't want the night to end.

Now I am going to bed, feeling disappointed. Just because he had left when we both had fallen asleep on the couch, an hour ago he was there, I had woken up when I felt him pull me closer into his chest.

His arms were wrapped around me securely and his breathing was steady and peaceful. It was perfect. We had ended up in each other's arms.

Until he had woken up I assumed..

A frown settled on my face when I drifted off once again and fell deeply asleep.

The next time I woke up, it was Clara jumping into my bed, shouting words my ears were not ready to understand yet, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and focused on the happy woman on top of me.

"Get off" I whined and pushed her over, her back landed next to me and she grinned at me. "I just sent Richard on his way" She said dreamily.

"Hmm" I muttered as my eyes slowly closed again. "Oh come on, get up. I made coffee" Clara snorted and my eyes snapped open at the mention of coffee.

"Oh yes, marry me please" I told her and got out of bed faster than her. "That's all it took? Damn I'm good" Clara muttered proudly to herself.

I chuckled as I poured the black liquid into a mug, I almost moaned on the spot. It was everything I needed.

Shortly after drinking a cup of coffee together, Clara headed out, but not before giving me a juicy retelling of what had happened between Clara and Richard.

After that she headed out and I was left traumatized as I stared at my poor couch. I groaned stubbornly before heading back into my bed.

I put on a movie and watched different movies all day, I also edited a bit on the book I currently had been assigned to.

I ordered food once again when dinner time rolled up, I had my airpods in with slow music as I read on and made notes on my laptop.

"Fuck, this is good" I muttered to myself as I just got lost in the book. I had edited for this author before, her work was incredible, I loved her way of writing.

It barely needed any notes for changes, it was close to perfect. It was a sequel to one of her other books that I had edited as well.

My focus was interrupted when the doorbell went off followed by three quick knocks. I cursed under my breath as I put my laptop down and headed for the door.

I pulled out my airpods and opened the door, seeing the same delivery guy as last time. "Hi" I said sheepishly, I hope he's not judging me for being lazy and not just cooking something.

I paid the guy and he just seemed happy about his tip and then left with a huge smile on his face. I danced my way back to my bedroom as I put my airpod back in my ear.

Dancing to 'maneater' by Nelly Furtado. It slaps hard anywhere, I love that song. I jumped back in my bed and opened the pizza box and continued reading while vibing to my playlist.

Hours went by and I ended up going to bed at two in the morning. Another day was over and another one was starting.

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