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Chapter | Five

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Chapter | Five

Taron and I had somehow run into each other at the supermarket, then I had agreed for coffee when he tempted me to get caffeine. Now here we were.

"What is it that you do?" I ask him after taking a sip of my caramel iced coffee. "I'm an actor," Taron paused and I narrowed my eyes in slight disbelief. He was? "--'s assistant" Taron finished.

Which made me even more confused. "If you're an assistant, then how are you here right now?" I ask with a small laugh.

"my boss has a week off, so I'm able to be here when I don't have to fly out with him" Taron says and I nod my head and he relaxes a bit more.

"Anyone I know of?" I ask him with a smirk and take a sip of my drink. "Not yet, he's an upcoming actor, so I'd rather not spoil too much" Taron said and winked.

I shook my head at him and laughed a little. He's such a liar, he's full of shit, yet he was annoyingly charming and sweet when he wanted to be.

"I can't imagine what it's like" I say and hum a little as I think of all the things actors may be exposed to and are pressured to do. "How so?" Taron asks and leans forward a bit, completely interested in my thoughts.

"I mean, for starters, having a girlfriend or a family when he's off making out with stars you'd never be able to match. All the traveling too, it must be tiring" I explain and Taron nods, taking in every word.

"I mean, sure actors get some big opportunities and there's mostly romance in the parts, but it's all an act. I see your point, but I think if you remember who your heart belongs to and continues to fight, then there's nothing to be worried about. No one could certainly match you, that's for sure. I can't even come up with an actress who can" Taron retorted and laughed a little.

"Shut up, you don't know shit" I retorted and rolled my eyes playfully at him. He smirked at me and leaned forward once again. "Try me," He offered. Why did he keep saying that to me? 'Try me' fuck off dude.

"You're the weirdest man I have ever met" I confessed and he winked at me in response. "I take that as a compliment coming from you" Taron said proudly and leaned back in his seat.

"You should" I nodded and he grinned as he sensed my sarcasm. "Let's put the neighbor war at peace for now, yeah?" Taron offered, I narrowed my eyes, scanning him for any devious details on him. But he seemed genuine.

"Fine" I say and he extends his pinky, I roll my eyes a little and grab it with mine. "No more parties till shit in the morning, and definitely not as loud" I say, adding to the deal while holding his pinky in mine.

"Okay, then no more loud ass sex against the walls" Taron dared and raised his brow at me, I snorted and nodded my head. "Deal" He nodded and released my pinky.

"So, what do you do?" Taron asks. "Besides bartending," He added. "I'm a book editor, it takes up most of my day and at night I work at the club" I say nodding my head at my explanation.

"Oh, so you get to criticize people's work and make them change it if you don't like it?" Taron asks and smirks. "No, well, yes I guess you could say that. But I'm not that harsh" I say.

"Have you ever written something yourself?" He asked interested. "No, I mean I tried, but it didn't turn out well" I say and wince a bit at the awful memory.

It was a story about a girl, who was a singer and a guy who had no idea she was quite famous. It was a mess to write and didn't end well.

Which is why I don't write myself.

"That's pretty awesome, have you ever reviewed a movie script or something like that?" Taron asked and I thought a second and shook my head no.

"Can't say that I have" I admit and he smiles and nods. We end up talking for hours until I remember that we did have groceries with us. So, we went back to our apartment building.

"It was nice to spend some time with you, I can't wait for the next date" Taron said with a wink. "A date? No, no, no, no-this wasn't a date" I correct him but his laugh is the only thing left in the hall as the door to his apartment slams shut.

"Oh fuck" I cursed before unlocking my own door, once I was in with my groceries, I locked the door after me and got started with dinner, then I got started with a new book I got sent to edit.

I got lost in the book for hours, this was great work, the main character spoke to me, the villain too. I hadn't realized it was ten in the evening until darkness settled in the apartment and the only light was from my screen.

I sighed in awe of the book before deciding to give myself a break, I ordered food and while I waited for it to be delivered, I headed to my kitchen, where a bottle of rosé was sitting in the wine fridge.

I opened it and the quietness really filled my body with relaxation, being alone wasn't bad. Being single and safe was a bad thing for me, I tend to close off for everyone who tries to get close.

Before Michael I hadn't even had a date for two years. I kept to myself and thrived way too well for my own good, I dealt with everything on my own, which was sometimes a burden.

There was a limit to how much my sister could take, I only had her to vent to. Which is some of the reasons why it was a burden.

Though if I had to be honest, I dreamed of having a man who was loving, protective, a real charmer and wants the same thing I do.

I don't want nor need a playboy, I don't need a guy who goes out partying twenty four seven, I work at a club, I see enough shit there and I deal with enough there, I don't need to deal with it at home too.

Which is probably why I became a ticking bomb when Taron moved in and partied when I came home from work at shit in the morning, I needed quiet.

I prayed to the lord that from now on Taron would keep his pinky promise, otherwise I might have to commit a few crimes.

I've watched Criminal Minds and Law & order to kill Taron and get away with it without getting caught.

Though I'm sure he would keep his word, so far it was quiet. And I liked it.

I popped the bottle open and took a swig of it, no need to use glasses when it was only me. A few knocks on my door got my attention and I headed to my door.

I was starving, thankfully it was my food. I paid the man and sent him on his way before digging into my food and getting drunk on wine.

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