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Chapter | Twenty Five

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Chapter | Twenty Five

I was shitfaced drunk. The rest of the weekend I drank like I never had before, I ignored Clara and Taron. I stayed over at Serena's and continued working at the bar with Thomas.

Serena had offered it even without knowing what had happened, she knew I needed another place to stay. So for the entire weekend we got drunk at work and I went to Serena's to sleep it off every night.

Everything had changed, everything was much darker and colder, nothing was cheering me up. I was just broken and devastated, trying to cope with the fact that my boyfriend had lied to me about who he was for ten months in total. From the time I met him to now.

I groaned as I turned on my side, wincing in pain when my shoulder hurt like hell. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the dark apartment.

I sighed as I remembered where I was and slowly I sat up, clenching my shoulder. The pain shot up and down my entire arm. What the hell happened last night?

I glanced at my phone and saw more missed calls from Clara, none from Taron. Oh, Clara...

Suddenly flashes of last night entered my head as I recalled the events. Oh, we got into a fight. Clara had showed up and I was shitfaced drunk when she approached me.

We were shouting at each other, I blamed her for letting me fall for Taron when she knew who he was and participated in keeping it from me. She went along with his lies.

I remember a drunk guy interfering with the fight, claiming he wanted to see us fight in a mud bath in bikinis. Why he thought of that when watching us argue, I didn't know.

I cussed him out as well as Clara did with disgust on her face. He started to get closer and Clara shoved him back, he had pushed her back into a table and chairs, which made me punch the fucker in the face as I defended her.

She might've lied and I might've called her a bitch, but she was my bitch. Nobody touches her or any of my friends like that. Plus I was a little tired of everyone and everything.

I then remembered that he had shoved me down the small staircase and that's why my shoulder hurt, I landed right on it. 

I sighed and got up from the couch, noticing I was only in my underwear. I didn't give a fuck, I continued my way to Serena's kitchen and found her pain killers before downing two. I then winced as I started to move my shoulder and massage it.

Everything was a mess. It wasn't me to get this drunk or to get into fights, it wasn't who I wanted to be either. I was ready to settle down and get serious. I didn't fear it when I was with Taron, I always feared it in other relationships, but fuck Taron had done something to me. I couldn't believe that of all the people I've dated, Taron was the one who made me want to settle down and start something serious yet it was the guy who might've hurt me the most.

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