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Chapter | Seventeen

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Chapter | Seventeen

I had barely had any time to recover from the long night filled with sex and early morning talks, before Taron had to go to the airport again. He had to go back.

It was already late in the evening and here I was, saying goodbye at the door. A frown was on my face as I watched him gather his suitcase.

"Open this when I've left the building" Taron mysteriously said and pecked my lips with a teasing smirk playing on his own. I pulled him back in for another longer kiss, a peck just wouldn't do it.

I took the box from his hands and put it on my table before wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer, his body pressed against mine.

"I'll be back in a week and a half, I'll be back here before you know it" Taron whispered when we pulled away, I let my head rest in the crock of his neck, his own resting on top of mine.

"I promise, it'll be quick," Taron added, trying to make it feel better. But it didn't, though I couldn't be mad at him, it was his job. I couldn't hold it against him.

"I know" I murmured and kept hiding my face in his neck. His embrace felt like home, safe and comfortable. Like everything I ever needed.

"Please let me know when you land and please, don't ghost me again" I said as I pulled away slightly. "I'm sorry, I'll do better" Taron said and pecked my lips once more.

"I really do need to go now, though. Otherwise I won't make the flight and my boss will kill me" Taron said and winced a little at the thought. I chuckled and nodded before pulling him in for another kiss.

I had to get as much as I could before he was leaving. "Be safe" I said once we pulled away, Taron nodded and pulled away from me to slide a hoodie over his t-shirt. I sighed a little and watched as he put on his sneakers and stood ready by my door.

"A week and a half" Taron assured me before shooting me a grin. He opened my door and took his suitcase out in the hall. One last kiss and he got on his way.

Once I saw him exit our building from the balcony I waved to him as his driver took off. Then I went back inside and immediately my eyes found the box on my dinner table. Taron's gift.

I stalked towards it and lifted it, I had no idea what it could be. There was no card on it, so I opened the box, stripping it of it's wrapping papers.

I opened the brown box and my lips instantly curled up into a smile. A giggle escaped my lips as I saw the polaroid looking pictures.

There were plenty of us together, one of me from my balcony, I don't think I knew he was watching me that day, I hadn't seen him. Then another of me behind the bar counter at the club, laughing with Clara.

It wasn't just memories of he and I, it was of Clara, Richard, Serena and Thomas too. Though the ones that moved my heart the most were the ones of Taron and I.

A few pictures of our dates, ones that I couldn't even figure out how he had gotten. Both of us were in the pictures, who took them then? I chuckled a little as I saw the one of him and I dancing.

Then one in bed, him being all too cheery. Many memories already. Once I had reached the end of the box I was left with a white thread and 27 pictures. I had seen people do that kind of decoration where they put them up on a wall with needles and pull the thread around on the needles and clip the pictures to the thread, letting it hang randomly.

I got to work immediately and once I was done and satisfied, I snapped a picture of it and sent it to Taron, who would by now, be at the airport.

I smiled until I went to sleep that night, I kept looking at the pictures. He did something, his gift was amazing and more sentimental than I had expected.

I loved it.

Hours later, when I was deeply asleep, a text came in, letting me know that Taron had arrived safely to his hotel. We texted shortly then I let him get some sleep, I needed sleep as well.

I had work tomorrow at the bar. Friday nights were always the worst, plus most people get paid tomorrow, so it'll be chaos.

I prepared myself for work when Friday rolled around, I got dressed in a top as usual and leather pants, then sneakers and I headed out.

I walked there as usual and met Clara by the back entrance. She was leaning her head against the wall. "Serena is with us tonight, Torrance said it would be wild tonight" Clara warned me.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath and sighed. Already exhausted from the stressful night we both knew we would have. "Shit indeed," Clara agreed.

We both clocked in and got ready for the night, soon enough it all began, we parted the bar in three spots, letting all three of us work with the space we each had. It worked for us, so we did that the whole night. It all went smoothly despite the stress, though some of the rich guys tried to get their hands on Clara and Serena.

I whistled to Diego and got them thrown out immediately. I had no single fuck to give, when it came to guys like that. I don't care how much money they put in our club tonight, I don't need men like that treating my colleagues or anyone else like that.

I was working peacefully and in sync with Clara and Serena when we extended drinks over the counter top. We were on a roll.

Until those four rich guys showed up at the bar again. Clara and I shared a look as they approached Serena. I nodded to Clara and switched places with her to be closer to Serena. They were attempting to make her do a lap dance on them for a hundred dollar bill, they pushed it in her face despite her protests and rejections.

"Guys, do you want to order something? If not, please step out of the line, we have other customers" I called out, sending them a sharp look. Two stepped closer to me and tilted their heads.

The action made me raise a brow. I almost wanted to ask what they would dare to try, but I shouldn't invite problems to the bar.

"Can I order you?" One of them said and smirked down at me, as I placed a bottle back on the counter, he was quick to grab my wrist and yank me towards him.

My feet were barely able to touch the floor when he had a secured grip on my wrist. "Sorry, I'm taken and not on the menu" I spat and shot him a sarcastic smile.

He didn't like my sarcasm and my attitude, because next thing I know, his free hand connects with my cheek. He gets a slap and a few punches sent to my face before Diego gets there and throws the guy in a headlock and knocks him out.

Blood fills my vision as the guy is forced to let go of my wrist and I stumble back into the shelves behind me, I hear bottles cracking and I feel another stinging sensation in my back as the pain creeps in as my head wraps around what had just happened.

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