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Chapter | Fifteen

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Chapter | Fifteen

"Clara! It's starting now, get the wine, I got the popcorn!!" I shouted at her as the movie we both had been dying to see started.

Clara jumped over the backrest of my couch and landed securely on her ass, impressively enough. I snorted at her and grabbed the bottle from her hands before opening it.

Meanwhile Taron was getting slaughtered with pictures, questions and accusations that he didn't know how to deal with. How could he tell the world about his girlfriend, when he couldn't even really tell his girlfriend who he was?

Taron knew time was running out, her birthday was in two and a half weeks, just a bit after he was supposed to be able to fly back. How could he celebrate her and keep this up when she didn't know who he was, truly?

James Cordon was respectful, but also teased Taron a lot. Everyone had seen the pictures from last night, how they were cozying up to each other and kissing, laughing and all of that.

It was supposed to be just them, an intimate thing. But the internet had ruined that as well. Everyone wanted to know who Iz was, and Taron knew it was only a matter of time before someone actually found out.

He just hoped he would gather enough courage to tell her before the world did, he knew he would lose her, when he told her. Which is why he couldn't make himself do it, fuck he cared so much about her. He was selfish as hell, but he just couldn't do it.

He was deeply in love with her, he had been since he saw her on his first day of moving in, when she had shot him that smile in the hallway and said a low 'hi' to him.

He knew then just how hard he'd fallen for her. He forced a smile and a laugh as James continued to attempt an answer from him.

"Fuck, I love this movie already!" Clara sobbed and I laughed at her and wiped my own tears away. "What do you think Taron is doing right now?" Clara asked, I furrowed my brows at her question but shrugged.

"I don't know, I actually haven't heard from him yet" I said and checked my phone again. He said he'd call or text when he had gotten settled, but I can't really blame him. His boss slash actor boss probably needs him.

"Your birthday is in two weeks and three days! Are you excited to turn 27?" Clara shrieked and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Nooo, I hate it. I hate birthdays" I groan and Clara only looks at me with a smug look on her face. "Don't do anything big and wild, Clara" I reminded her, she only blew me a kiss in response.

The next week flew by fast, a bunch of celebrities had rented the club for a big event I couldn't bother to fill my head with, I just minded my own business.

Clara and I worked overtime hours once again and I was basically surviving the weekend because of Taron's messages and calls. I did miss the fucker, I just needed to see him soon.

There was a limit to what Facetime could do for me. Just one more week and he would be back, that's what I told myself all weekend.

"Did Diego throw them out?" Taron asked knowingly with a laugh. I nodded my head as I rested in my bed. I hadn't been able to get up yet.

"He had to, they were getting waaay too handsy" I grimaced at the memory, three drunk rich kids had tried to get handsy with Clara and I.

"Too bad I wasn't there" Taron retorted with a slight scoff. "Why?" I ask with a small laugh.

"I would've thrown them out faster," Taron said with an innocent grin. "Oh wow, jealous Taron? Hot" I commented and winked at him.

"Oh I know that you love it" Taron teased and smirked into the screen of the phone. "I won't even try to deny that" I admit and he chuckles before looking up over the screen. I can hear someone talking to him and I pout knowing he was about to get pulled away.

"Oh, I need to go, I'm sorry" Taron said and looked back at me. "Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then" I said, though I was sure Taron didn't miss the sadness in my voice, but he just didn't have the time.

"I'm sorry. I'll talk to you tomorrow, babe" Taron said. I nodded and blew him a kiss, he returned it and shot me a wink before hanging up.

I let my phone drop on my bed and I groaned before rolling over on my back. I sighed before getting started with my chores in the apartment, then I worked on this new book I had been sent.

I'd gotten a lot more books sent lately, which meant I was making more money, but I also had to pressure myself a bit more.

I kept myself going till Taron came back to annoy me.

Though the next two days I didn't hear from Taron, one morning he texted a 'good morning' back to me, but then it died. I knew he was busy and all, but I missed him.

Even so, I still didn't know what he exactly did for the actors he worked for, I mean how busy could an assistant be? Actors get breaks too...

Another week flew by, I never really got an explanation for his lacking presence, whenever I tried to call him or text him. He was just suddenly there again.

Today was my birthday.

I had told Clara not to do something wild. So, in Clara world-renting the club we worked at for a night, wasn't wild.

Of course, it was a wednesday, so nobody would be using it, so she planned a party for me there.

Luckily I had Thursday off otherwise I never would've gotten this drunk...I moved my hips to the music as Clara tried to make me reach her vibe.

Though, it was hard and Clara knew why. Taron hadn't come home yet and I was trying to make peace with the fact that he wouldn't show up, there was no way he could make it.

Not at this hour.

So, Clara made it her mission to cheer me up. Which equals her getting me drunk as hell and not being able to see clearly.

I blew her a kiss over the loud music as I saw just how many people had shown up, we were over a hundred people in here. I could place each and every one in here in my memory, I knew them one way or another.

Clara grabbed my hips and moved against me, I put my arms loosely around her shoulders and danced with her.

Even Richard was here, Taron's friend and Clara's situationship thing. He had helped get me drunk, Rich told me he hadn't heard anything from Taron either, though he was sure he would magically make it.

But I wasn't so sure.

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