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Chapter | Six

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Chapter | Six

"So, I've been thinking. I'm just gonna stay single forever. I'm gonna be a lonely cat lady, what do you think, Taron?" I slurred drunkenly as I served him another drink.

Carla snorted and bumped her hip with mine as Taron started laughing and leaned forward. "If you're still single by the time you're thirty, I will marry you and knock you up, don't worry. I got you" Taron said with a wink.

"Gee, thanks. You sure know what a woman wants" I retort with an eye roll. "Excuse me!" Another guy shouted from the other end.

Clara and I shared a look and I left her and Taron alone before heading towards the man who seemed to think my name was 'excuse me'.

While Isobel served the drunk customers, Clara leaned towards Taron's face. "She doesn't know, does she?" She asked with a glare on her face.

"Know what?" He asked and took a sip of his drink that Isobel had made for him. It was delicious and he already loved it. Though he didn't know the name of it..

"She doesn't know you're an actor and famous as hell?" Clara retorted with sass. Taron sighed and his shoulders slumped. "No,"

"She seemed so bummed out when I told her, so I corrected myself to being an actor's assistant and I gave her a fake last name," Taron admitted to Clara.

His eyes wandered to Isobel who was doing her bartending tricks and the guys who drank her up with their eyes cheered loudly at her.

Her eyes met Taron's and he shot her a smirk. "You're brutal" Clara sang before wiping the counter clean.

"I know, it's not exactly my best moment, but I like her. She's fun and kind-well when she doesn't threaten me" Taron said and laughed a little.

"Don't hurt her" Was all Clara said before Isobel came back to the two.

"Jesus fuck, those rich guys are willing to throw wads of cash to any bartender with a cleavage" I scoffed and snorted a little before taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey, what did you think of the drink? It's good right?" I ask Taron as he stared into his glass with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, it's great. What's it called?" He asked me and I shrugged. "It's just something I mixed together," I said and Taron nodded his head impressed.

"Hey, I uh-I think I'm gonna head out for the night" Taron suddenly said. "What? Now? This early, are you sick?" I teased and gasped dramatically before attempting to feel his forehead but he slapped my hands away and pointed his index finger at me threateningly.

"You, behave yourself. I have an early flight tomorrow, I have to be somewhat presentable" Taron said with a laugh. "Ohhhh, with Mr. Big shot? Where to?" I ask and smirk a little.

I couldn't imagine being an actors assistant, fuck anyones assistant. I would kill the fucker within minutes.

"Spain, I'll be gone for two weeks this time" Taron said and rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, have a good trip in Spain, I'm sure the clubs are great there too" I said and winked at him.

Taron leaned in towards my face, he was so close that I could feel his breath on my face. "It's not the club I come here for" He said quietly so only I would hear, the surprise on my face gave him more confidence and he winked at me.

"Fuck off, get out of here. You're taking up all of the space for customers" I retorted and moved back before flicking the hand towel I was wiping my hands in-at him.

"I'll see you in two weeks!" Taron called out before downing the rest of his drink. "Whatever, Mr. Edwards" I retorted and mocked him, he only laughed in return and backed up, saluting Clara as well-who just waved him off.

"He's charming," Clara commented as he left. "You got chemistry," Clara added with a smirk as she looked at me.

"Do not. I just hate him a little less after the last couple of days" I say and shrug a little. "Sure, whatever you say babygirl" Clara commented and winked at me.

I flicked the towel at her ass making her jump in surprise before flipping me her middle fingers. I laugh at her before serving more drinks.

Two weeks full of silence and peace. Oh how fucking lovely, it would be for me. I could work without disturbance, I didn't have to worry about someone jumping onto my balcony or standing in front of my windows and banging their fist onto the glass.

AKA, Taron did that the other day and he scared the shit out of me. He claimed he only came over this way to see if I was dead because I had been so quiet for the last three days.

He is the most annoying man I have ever met. Yet he knew how to bring a smile to my face. The rest of the night I had a smile plastered across my face, partying with the guests in the club.

I got more tips than usual as the night went on and I was more than pleased when I returned to my apartment for a lovely amount of silence.

I threw myself in my bed with another pleased smile on my face. I fell asleep instantly and dreamed of good things only.

It would be fun and weird without Taron for two whole weeks, I should feel relieved, but as I had said to Clara. I'm hating him less lately than I used to.

He was actually pretty fun, his personality was flirty and teasing. I'd admitted to myself that I did find him attractive, but his personality had seemed so shitty when I met him, due to how he acted around me whenever I bumped into him.

Now that that was changing, how did I feel about him?

For now I considered him a friend, a weird friendship at that. But a friend.

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