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Chapter | Twenty Two

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Chapter | Twenty Two

The New Years party that Taron had hosted was insane, the decorations and everything. Clara and I were dressed in shimmering dresses. Clara in gold sparkles and me in silver, she and Richard were finally giving it a go, so now they were dating.

There wasn't a friend of Taron that I hadn't met, he had showed me off to everyone, introducing me to each and every guest that entered his apartment.

In an hour we would enter a new year. A new year together, I couldn't wait. I was on cloud 9 whenever I was with Taron, it felt right.

"Baby, my feet are hurting from you dragging me around all night" I whined and Taron only laughed before wrapping his arms around me. We had a rare moment to ourselves.

"I can't believe you've managed to deal with me for nearly five months" Taron said in my ear as he leaned down to press a couple of quick kisses below my ear.

"Right back at you" I retorted amused and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Taron Egerton, my man!" Someone shouted, Taron froze instantly and pulled away from me, grabbing the guy who had called out, he pulled him after him as he suddenly left me all alone.

Why did he call him Egerton? His last name was Edwards? I furrowed my brows as Taron and his friend disappeared from my sight.

I sighed in defeat and went to find Clara, I found her and Richard by that guy that looked a lot like Pedro Pascal, the guy I had stumbled into at a party here, I wondered if he was an incredible look–a–like or if he was actually the actor.

"Clara?" I called out with a frown, she noticed and took a few steps away from the guys. "What's wrong?" She asks with worry on her face.

"A guy came up and called Taron something, then they disappeared. I don't know what that was about" I said and shrugged a little. "Oh" Was all she said, I narrowed my eyes at her and was about to question her weird reaction, but I was cut off by the Pedro Pascal look–a–like.

"Ah, you must be the famous bartender/ editor Taron talks about all the time?" He said and I glanced at Clara who tensed. "Yeah, I suppose that would be me," I said and laughed a little awkwardly.

"I'm Pedro Pascal, it's very nice to finally meet you" He said and my eyes widened in surprise. "What the–""--Iz" Clara hissed and I stopped myself.

"It's nice to meet you too, Pedro," I said and smiled. Pushing my surprise aside, he was just an ordinary person like us. Though he wasn't really.

"Iz, babe, can you come with me for a second?" Taron suddenly came into my view as he stumbled into me, making me unstable for a second.

"Yeah, sure?" I said and laughed a little as I flicked my hand to get rid of the spilled liquid on my hand. "Sorry, come on" He said and grabbed my other hand and pulled me after him.

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