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After the last incident Jungkook assured Taehyung that there is no one and Taehyung accepted it too

"Maybe because of the movie I thought someone was there , I'm never going to watch a horror movie from now on "
Taehyung thought.

Yoongi and Jimin went to their house in the morning with Jungkook after having the breakfast, Jungkook  insisted them that he'll drop both of them on his way to his office

Taehyung was laying on the sofa ; scrolling through his phone when the door bell rang

" Wait " he shouted and stood up from the sofa and made his way to the door

He opened it and saw a tall male standing there , he is wearing casual clothes and the dimples were visible on his cheeks

" Hey friend " the male said

" hii ? "

" I'm Kim Namjoon, your neighbour" the guy pointed at the next door

" Oh I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you Namjoon " Taehyung said and stepped aside gesturing Namjoon to enter inside

" Nice to meet you too Taehyung, I arrived last night so I thought I would pay a visit to you since we are neighbours , I didn't disturb you right ? "

" No no , I'm fine and it's good to have someone otherwise I'll get bored "

Namjoon took a seat , " coffee ? " Tae asked him

" No it's okay don't do formalities "

" Okay " Taehyung said smiling and took a seat beside him

" So you live alone here ? " The dimple guy asked

" No me and my boyfriend Jeon Jungkook he's a prosecutor , what about you ? "

" Oh that's great , well I live alone here in Seoul and I work in a clothing company "

" Ohh "

" Aren't you working too ? "

Taehyung shook his head , " No I took a break from work "

" How I wish I could take a break too but I'm the only child so I have to take care of my parents too "

" Yeah I know you have to think about them before you "

Namjoon nodded his head.

They talked about a lot of things , Taehyung got to know that Namjoon bought this apartment six years ago, he's at his parents house and arrived last night , it seemed like they get along

The conversation started at noon and now it's started getting dark outside

"It's getting dark I should leave now "
Namjoon said

" Yeah my boyfriend will be home soon ,I should make dinner for us "

" Oh I will meet him the other day " namjoon smiled and left from there

Taehyung is preparing the dinner, when he heard the knocking sound , he washed his hands and opened the door

" Baby I'm home " Jungkook said while pulling Taehyung in a hug

" Welcome home "

" Close your eyes " jungkook said breaking the hug

" Why ? " asked confused Taehyung

" I'll tell you but first close your eyes "

" Okay " tae closed his eyes

Jungkook pulled out something from his bag , " open your eyes "

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes , he hugged Jungkook while Jumping in excitement, " wait I'll get ready " he backed away and ran to their room

" Okayyy " Jungkook said smiling at his cute behaviour

Taehyung's smile really makes his day better , despite him being tired he bought the tickets for them as he knew how much Taehyung likes romantic movies

Taehyung and Jungkook were in taxi, they were on their way to the cinema as Jungkook bought two tickets for the movie

" Wait here I'll get the popcorn"

Taehyung nodded his head , he's waiting for Jungkook as the line is quite long

He roamed his eyes and saw a girl sitting on the bench

He remembered the window girl as soon as he saw her

" She was looking like a teenager too maybe 15-16  years old "

" Babe " Taehyung snapped back from his thoughts when he heard Jungkook is calling him

" Come let's go " Jungkook said and took Taehyung's hand on his

It was a romantic movie , they're enjoying the movie while holding hands , Jungkook would pecked Taehyung's lips and kissed him time to time .


Ignore the mistakes ✨

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now