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Jungkook clutched his stomach as it was hurting him a lot, he looked at Wonwoo again with pain in his eyes as he didn't want to fight more further with his brother

Wonwoo took the long and heavy floor lamp in his hand and started to come in the direction of Jungkook, the lamp looked so heavy.

Jungkook looked at his brother with the terror in his eyes as he tried to stand up but his legs gave up.

A creepy smile was on Wonwoo's face as he took the steps closer to his brother

Jungkook didn't know what to do as the pain he was feeling was too much to handle

Wonwoo stood in front of Jungkook ready to hit him with the floor lamp as Jungkook closed his eyes accepting his fate.

But, Jungkook opened his eyes when he didn't feel anything on him, he looked at Jungkook as he saw him standing there while stumbling and screaming

"Wonwoo" he stood up and walked closer to his brother who was crying in pain

He let go of the lamp as it made a loud noise when it came in contact with the floor, the glass shattered on the floor but Jungkook's eyes were still fixed at his brother.

"AAHHHH!" Wonwoo scream filled the whole mansion, he sat on the floor while holding his head

"Are- are you okay?" Jungkook tried to held him but Wonwoo backed away

"JUNGKOOK!" he looked behind and saw Seungcheol Jin Namjoon and Yoongi standing there.

Yoongi nodded his head at Jungkook as he snapped his head towards his brother.

After a few minutes Wonwoo stopped screaming as he looked at his brother slowly and smiled a little

"Jun-jungkook" he whispered before passing as the darkness engulfed him fully.

Wonwoo opened his eyes slowly as he looked at his surroundings, he's not familiar with the room as the wall of the room is all white

He heard beeping sound beside it as he slowly turned which is hurting him a lot

"Hyung you woke up"

Wonwoo looked at the owner of the voice as he saw Taehyung putting some bags on the side table and smiled at him

"How are you feeling?" He asked with his honey like voice

"Where- where I am?"

"Hospital, it's been two days since you were in your deep slumber"

Taehyung said as he took a seat beside Wonwoo ,"does it hurt anywhere?" He asked while examining Wonwoo carefully not to hurt him in the process

Wonwoo shook his head slowly

"Wait I'll call the doctors"


Taehyung looked at Wonwoo

"How's everyone?" Wonwoo asked as he didn't remember anything that had happened in the mansion few days ago

"Everyone is fine, Seungcheol Hyung is also admitted in this hospital as he had an operation and about Jungkook he is fine too just some cuts and bruises on his body but don't worry the doctor said he'll be fine soon"

Wonwoo nodded his head and smiled at Taehyung as he left from there to called the doctor

Wonwoo realised that he didn't have any bandage on just a pipe attached to his hands

Soon, the door opened as the doctors came inside with Jungkook Jin Taehyung Namjoon Yoongi and Jeonghan as Jimin is with Seungcheol.

"How are you feeling Mr. Jeon?" The doctor asked as he checked Wonwoo

"Better than before, just headache"

"It'll be better soon if you take the medicine on time — " the doctor paused as he looked at Jungkook

" Make sure he eats on time" he said as Jungkook nodded his head as the doctor left from there.

"Finally!" Jungkook said as he pat his brother head ,"I missed you"

Wonwoo smiled at his brother as looked at the others ,"where's Saya?"

"She's in the other ward, the doctor said that she's very weak and due to this her periods will start a bit late and we have to teach her how to speak and other basic things — "

Jeonghan said as Wonwoo nodded his head

"Taehyung donated his blood to her"

"Oh, then everything is fine now?"

Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head ," yes hyung just one thing left"

" What ?"

"We will tell you once you get discharge and - " Jungkook stopped in middle as he held his brother hand in his ," sorry hyung"

Wonwoo looked at him confused


"You can't be a father now"

"JUNGKOOK! " Taehyung glared at the boy as everyone started laughing but Wonwoo eyes widened


" No hyung, Im kidding it's just - I want to say sorry to you"

"It's okay "

They all left in awee looking at the brothers bond.


Ehm how's it? It's sucks right ik ik ik not good at it 😭

Do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨

Only two chapters are left now :)

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