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The three of them reached their destination Seungcheol told them about , Jungkook Wonwoo and Taehyung were in Wonwoo's car as they dropped Jin and Namjoon at the bust stand

They entered the restaurant and started looking for Seungcheol and Jeonghan

A lady approached them with a smile on her face , it's the same lady who escorted Jeonghan and Seungcheol to Junhui

" Are you looking for Mr. Seungcheol and Mr. Jeonghan? "

The lady asked as Jungkook nodded his head , " yeah can I know where they are ? I'm Jeon Jungkook"

" Yes follow me sir "

They followed the lady and soon both the other male came in their views sitting beside the big window , the area where they are sitting is quite empty , Taehyung parted his mouth looking at the restaurant

" Are you Seungcheol? " Wonwoo asked him 

Seungcheol turned his head to the voice and nodded his head , " yes You're Jeon Jungkook? The one I talked to "

Wonwoo shook his head and pointed at Jungkook , " he's Jeon Jungkook I'm his brother and he is his boyfriend " he pointed at Taehyung

They both bowed at Seungcheol and Jeonghan as they replied with the bow too

" Have a seat " Jeonghan said with his honey voice

They took a seat , Wonwoo sat beside Jeonghan and to his left side sitting Jungkook and Taehyung sat beside Seungcheol

" So you said that my brother died I mean he sucide? "

Seungcheol asked them as soon as they took their seat , his voice is not so happy

Jungkook nodded his head

" I wanted to tell you both something but Listen to me carefully and try to understand it "

" Okay "

Jungkook told them about all of the things that had happened, about Saya

" They have a daughter? " Seungcheol was so shocked because when they ran away from their home Son Cheol and Luna didn't have any child

" Yes her name is Saya "

Jungkook continued telling them about other thing and About Jeno too and the mansion thing

Jeonghan was so ashamed about his brother, but still they didn't know the whole truth that Jeno is the one who is behind everything or not

" We are not sure whether it is Jeno or not but you know if we connect the clue it's lead to Jeno in the end "

Seungcheol's eyes filled with tears as well as Jeonghan's too , Seungcheol didn't know what to feel about it , his brother was his only family beside Jeonghan and he's sorry for Saya too , in this whole time they didn't even tried to talked to each other and now that Seungcheol is back his brother is no more to be with him

" I'm sorry Cheol "

Seungcheol lifted his head to Jeonghan who just said this words to him while hunging his head low

" I'm so...sorry " Jeonghan's voice breaks as the hot tears start falling from his eyes , his nose turned red

Seungcheol stood up from his placed and lifted Jeonghan's too , he hugged her tightly as his life depended on him

" Why are you saying sorry baby ? You're the only one I have My only family and it's not your fault baby I love you I love you so much please don't say something like this "

Seungcheol wiped Jeonghan tears while his own tears were continuously falling from his eyes , he Kissed Jeonghan's forehead

" Still cheol it's my brother — "

" We are not sure right now and whether it's him or not You're nothing to do with it understand You're my whole world Hannie "

" You're my everything cheol I love you "

They cried in each other's arms , Taehyung eyes filled with tears too looking at them Jungkook noticed it and wrapped his hands around Taehyung's shoulder and pulled Taehyung close to him

Wonwoo quietly sat there looking at them , he took off his glasses and wiped his eyes


Hey babies !
I tried making a Taekook fanart it's not complete yet but I'll show you once it get finish 😀

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