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Seokjin Wonwoo and Yoongi ended up in a library of the mansion, they pant heavily and locked the library door and sat there for a second

" Did we make it alive ? " Yoongi asked the others as they nodded their head

" We will ! "

" Where are Jungkook and Cheol hyung ? "

Wonwoo asked them after realising they're only three while the rest are not there

" They ran to the left side  Jin said as he remembered the last glance of Jungkook

" I hope they're okay "

Yoongi sat there in silence but after a few minutes he said , " I told you there was a doll , the same one "

Wonwoo nodded his head while Jin gasped , " guys you two realise something ? "

" What ? "

" There is no other body besides that one and you said that , that was not the spirit body and Yoongi saw the same doll again "

They nodded their head trying to understand what he wanted to say

" The doll , we have to burn the doll Wonwoo "

Wonwoo's eyes widened after realising that Jin is right , they have to burn the doll to free Saya from the spirit

" Right , we have to burn the doll in order to escape from here and save Saya "

" But how ? And we don't even know where Jungkook and Seungcheol are right now "

" We have to find them first because Jungkook has the bag with him " Jin said after listening to Yoongi

They nodded their head

Seokjin saw round stairs inside the library connected to the ceiling, maybe a way to terrace !

He pointed at the stairs , "look there"

They looked at the stairs and sighed in relief, " I think it's a way to the terrace , come let's go " Seokjin said while standing up as the latter two followed him

They walked past by the shelves but something caught Yoongi eyes , there was only a red book in the shelf

" Wait " he walked there and grabbed the book

Son cheol Journal

It was written on it , " look I found something, it's Son Cheol journal " he said while the other two walked towards him

" We can find something from it but first let's go " Wonwoo said as he took the diary with him and walked upstairs


Jungkook realised that it was the window which was in front of his apartment, they were in the room where Saya was locked

He started searching in the room in hope to find something but there were just blood stains on the bed and the other furniture

Jungkook walked towards the window and peeked at it , his apartment lights were on indicating Taehyung Jimin Jeonghan and Namjoon were there

He tried to break the window glass with a force

" What are you doing ? "

Seungcheol asked while looking at Jungkook , his voice is weak and painful

" This is the room where Saya was locked and in front of it , it's my apartment and they're there "

Seungcheol tried to stand up , he walked towards Jungkook while limping, " we have to break it and ask them for a rope to go to the terrace "

Seungcheol nodded his head , " use the plier "

Jungkook hit the plier on the window as it ricocheted , he hit again on the window and it broke with a loud , the glass shattered on the floor as both of the male backed away

Taehyung and the others heard a noise as they ran towards his balcony and saw Seungcheol and Jungkook there

Jeonghan's eyes turned teary looking at  Seungcheol

" What happened!!!! " He asked

" Don't worry just a little scratch" he smiled at him

" I'm coming! "

" NOOO "

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with tears in his eyes , " where's Yoongi and others ? " Jimin asked them

" They're at the other side "

" Are you guys okay ? Did you find something? " Namjoon asked worriedly

" We're okay just give us a rope and a hook "

" Rope why ? "

" We have to climb to the terrace "

Jungkook replied to Taehyung as he nodded his head and ran to their storeroom to find a rope

After few minutes he found one and the hook too as he came back

" Catch it okay " Taehyung said as he throw the other side of the rope towards Jungkook and held the other

Taehyung tied the hook with the rope as Jungkook drag the rope


Hoii !
Here is another chapter!
Do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨


A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now