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It must be a lie if they say they aren't feeling scared right now

after hours of crying and explaining they finally came to a conclusion that Jungkook Wonwoo Seungcheol Jin and Yoongi will go there while

Jeonghan Taehyung Jimin will stay outside or in Taehyung's and Jungkook's apartment and Namjoon will take care for them

It's 8:00 pm in the evening, they were at Jimin's apartment

" As Taehyung said there was a body in the basement, Jin hyung and Seungcheol hyung will go there and check if it was still there or not "

" But why ? " Yoongi asked

" What if Jeno lied to us about being Saya locked in a room ? As Jin Hyung told me earlier, when Tae saw the body there and screamed Jin hyung was the first one to help him and there was no sign of Jeno right Hyung ? "

" Yeah we parted our ways from there and he went to the other side of he mansion but I'm sure tae screamed so loud even Jimin and Namjoon heard it from outside but Jeno was there still he didn't come "

" And beside it Says is possessed by some spirit and they said that the body was half eaten "

" Did she eat it ? " Jimin eyes widened

" Maybe there was no food there "

" Yuckkkk " they feel like throwing up

" Jungkook , me and Yoongi hyung will check the whole mansion first and find another exit or may window so we can run outside if something happens there "

They nodded their heads in agreement

" But what about the spirit then ? It's still in Saya's body " Taehyung said

" We don't know whose spirit was that and there isn't any body beside that one " Jin sounds so serious

" When someone cremated , thier dead body is burned , usually a part of furnel service so we will burn that body first before unlocking Saya ,

Hindus believe that burning the body, and, hence, destroying it, helps the departed soul get over any residual attachment it may have developed for the deceased person and nowdays in korean modern furnel

Instead of burial, cremation, which has a shorter period of bodily decay, is more commonly practiced nowadays"

They all were amused by Wonwoo and his knowledge

" And what if the spirit in her body is someone's else ? " Jeonghan asked

" Then we will burn the whole mansion after taking Saya with us "

A lots of gasp were heard as Wonwoo finished his sentence

" Are you serious? " Yoongi voice was heard

" Don't worry I'll handle it and we make it seem like an accident"

Before anyone could say any further, Jungkook stood up and nodded his head before speaking

" Everything is set then , take torches and knives with you okay , we will leave at 10 "

He walked out from the living room while everyone sat there silently

They know this type of day will come but still they're afraid, Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin small figure and buried his head in his neck

Same goes for Seungcheol and Jeonghan, they hugged each other while saying some Lovable words to each other

Taehyung tried to ask Seungcheol about a thing but he's hesitate, this is a good time to ask about it ? He thought. But he shrugged his thoughts and asked him

" Seungcheol Hyung , will you take Saya with you ? "

Jeonghan backed away from the hug and looked at Taehyung before nodding his head slightly

" Yes "

Taehyung feels like his heart crushed by something heavy , he thought of adopting Saya from the very beginning

A complete family is all he need and he is ready to do anything for Saya to be in his family but now , her own family members came and it's a right thing too , it's her own family afterall.

He smiled at them and nodded his head ,


Hey babies !
Here you go with another chapter
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Ignore the mistakes ✨
I love you all 🫂💗

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