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A sleepy Namjoon appeared in the living room while rubbing his eyes with his hand

" What ? " he asked the others who were staring at him continuously

" We were waiting for you to wake up hyung " Jimin said

Namjoon nodded his head and took a seat beside Wonwoo , Jin along with Yoongi and Jimin were sitting across to them as Jungkook and Taehyung were their right side

Taehyung stood up , " wait I'll bring you breakfast it's noon now " he left from there

" Are you okay now ? " Wonwoo rubbed Namjoon's back lightly

" Yeah just a headache " Namjoon massaged his head with his hand but someone else started massaging it , he looked at Jungkook who gave him a pleasant smile while massaging Namjoon's head

" It's ok – "

" Let me do it hyung " Jungkook cut him off

Namjoon feels really really grateful to have them in his life

" Here " Taehyung placed the breakfast on the table and smiled at Namjoon before taking the seat beside Jungkook

" So , this is Yun Hyeok's address" Wonwoo showed them his pocket diary

" Yun Hyeok ? " Jin looked at Wonwoo

" He's the one who helped to hide postmortem reports "

Everyone gasped , " how ? " Jimin mouth wide opened

" We asked to a watchman who works right across the police station, he seemed scared but later Wonwoo threatened him so he gave it to us "

Jungkook finished as everyone snapped their heads to Wonwoo

" Woahhhh you're really a genius Hyung "

" Thankyou Future Jeon "

Taehyung just nodded his head , only he knows how his heartbeat is so fast

" Yoongi and Jimin what about you guys ? " Jin turned his head towards them

" We met Mrs. Kang who gave us the address of Jeno , she told us that Luna Son cheol's wife is an orphan and about Son Cheol he had younger brother Seung Cheol but he lives in abroad and haven't contacted him since so long "

" Do you guys have his number? "

Jimin nodded  his head to Jin's question

" Here " he showed them his phone

" And Namjoon hyung ? " Jungkook asked

" I asked Jeno about his past but he avoids it the most but I got know that he had a younger brother too Yoon Jeonghan and he lives with his boyfriend in states "

Everyone nodded their head , Namjoon continued

" And He told me the same thing Mrs. Kang told Jimin about his younger brother but you know a the intresting thing Yoon Jeonghan boyfriend is Seung Cheol "

As soon as Namjoon finished he heard a lots of gasps

" Really ? "

Namjoon nodded his head to Jin ,

" Jeonghan and Seungcheol started dating at a young age but both Son cheol and Jeno didn't accept their relationship so they left their home together and never contacted them back "

" You got a lot of informations "

Wonwoo patted him

" Then ? "

Jungkoom sighed before speaking

" Me , Taehyung and Wonwoo will visit Yun Hyeok's house and give me Seung Cheol number I'll call him and Jin hyung , Namjoon hyung and Yonngi hyung you all could go and watch Saya "

" WHAT ? " Namjoon stood up from his place

" Chill hyung watching her I mean go and see the mansion from outside "

" But yahh " Namjoon whined but nodded his head

" Jimin you can come with us " Wonwoo said as Jimin nodded his head

" Okay but I'm having a headache now so later "

Namjoon said and started having his breakfast

Wonwoo , Jin , Yoongi and Jimin left from there to groceries shopping and Jin wanted to buy some new clothes too

Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly as Taehyung turned towards Jungkook , he nodded his head lightly at Taehyung

" Everything will be fine " Jungkook mouthed.


Hey guys !

How are you ? Ehm you know me and my friends think that the video is fake because there isn't

any army tattoo and the emoji one on Jungkook's knuckles if you see the video carefully
But if it's real too we will support him 💗

I'm so happy right now 😭 you guys are so so sweet thank you for choosing this fanfiction and supporting it

I love you guys so so so much 🫂💗

Do vote and comment and ignore the mistakes ✨

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