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Jungkook and Seungcheol were walking on the terrace of the mansion which was indeed so long, it was so dark now

They haven't uttered a word since then as they walked in complete silence maybe too busy in their own thoughts

Soon, a ray of light was seen as they looked at each other with confusion on their faces ," who is it?" Jungkook looked at the ray of light once again

" I don't have any idea but, maybe the others ?"

" The others?"

Seungcheol nodded his head ," the other side of the mansion has a Library which has a staircase connected to the terrace"

Jungkook smiled as a relief string in his body, the others are safe and alive

"Jin hyung! " Jungkook called when the distance between them decreased a bit

" Jungkook?"

"We are here" Seungcheol said as he waved his arms and flashed the lights on them

They ran towards each other with a smile on their face and a relief in their heart after seeing each other after hours.

" How do you two get here?" Asked Wonwoo while examining his brother carefully

" Long story short, we ended up in the room where Saya was locked and asked Taehyung and other guys for help — " Jungkook said as he pointed at the Seungcheol leg ,"but this happened"

"Oh my god! How?" Jin asked looking at the wound

" I tripped on the floor when we were running and Jungkook helped me, you know we see Saya too in the room, she clutched Jungkook's legs when we tried to climb — "

"Are you okay? " Jin was beyond worried as he is the hyung of them

"I'm okay but hyung's wound is so deep, a nail was stuck on his bone as we let it out with the help of a plier"

" Just be careful from now on" said Yoongi after a long time as he was busy examining the wound on Seungcheol's knee

" Do you get anything?"

Jin nodded his head to Seungcheol

"It's your brother's journal and — " he gave the diary to Seungcheol, " we have to burn the doll in order to save us and Saya"

"But why the doll?"

Jungkook asked.

"We burned the body as we thought that the spirit's body was that one but it wasn't the one we are looking for and Yoongi saw the doll again after you let it side"

" Ah, is that so"

Yoongi nodded his head ,"come we have to go now and let's end this at one —"

The others nodded their head at Yoongi as they really wanted it to end soon because they're already to scared and tried from all the of things that were going.

"Jungkook the lighter and petrol is still in it?" Wonwoo pointed at the bag as Jungkook nodded

" Okay, as soon as we see the doll we'll burn it without wasting any time okay — "

They nodded in agreement.

"And be careful and with alerted as I don't want anything happens to us again"

Yoongi said as they left from there walking towards the stairs where Jin Wonwoo and Yoongi came from.

Jungkook asked them what they're doing at the terrace as Jin replied they're there looking for them

Seungcheol told them about Jeonghan as he is worried about what if he came here. He didn't want him to get in any trouble

The others assured him that Taehyung would never let him come here.


Hey babies !
Here you go with another chapter and do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨

I love you all 💗

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now