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" No and that's final I don't want to argue any further" Taehyung spoke once again the same thing

How can he say that easily that he'll feel weak if he is with him ? Taehyung always thought that he was Jungkook's strength , and what about him ? What if He is going to be with Jungkook for the last time ? What if he didn't see him again ? It's too dangerous there and he can't let him go there without him

But Jungkook is right too , he doesn't want anything to happen to Taehyung as he knows how sensitive Taehyung is , if something happens to him there it'll leave a big impact on him

Both of them are right , both of them love each other so much that they didn't want to risk their lovers

Jungkook held Taehyung's cheeks with both of his hands and stared into his eyes

" First Listen to me " Taehyung shook his head as Jungkook held it a little more tightly " listen...

Taehyung I don't know what will happen there and I don't want you to be involve in this , we love each other right ? Don't you believe in me ? In our love ? Baby let me tell you something  if there's no Kim Taehyung then there is no Jungkook too....

My life My soul My body and my heart is all yours , you're the only one My only one please can't I save my love one ? Tell me can't I ? "

Hot tears were falling from Taehyung's eyes after listening to Jungkook as well as Jungkook too

Jungkook leaned in and collided his lips with Taehyung's, the kiss was deep , soft as they poured all their love in the kiss

It's just a normal kiss but Jungkook sealed a promise, a promise to come back alive to his Taehyung, a promise to love him till the end of his life

The feared in their heart grew more as the kiss dependent, the fear of losing each other but Taehyung knows how much Jungkook loves him and he'll do anything, anything in this world to be with him

They broke the kiss , Taehyung's eyes were still closed as Jungkook kissed both of his eyes softly

" I love you baby "

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and stared at Jungkook, " I love you too " Tae whispered

" I'll be back for you , for us "

Taehyung wanted to argue but remained quiet , his heart wanted to decline it but his mind tells him to remain quiet as Jungkook is already so stressed and he didn't want him to be stressed over him too

" Promise? "

Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips
" I promise baby , we aren't even married yet " Jungkook tried to joke as a beautiful smile appeared on Taehyung's face , he nodded his head while blushing

" I love you "

" I love you more , shall we go there ? Others are waiting for us "

Taehyung nodded his head as Jungkook wiped his tears before kissing his both cheeks and lastly his forehead

Jungkook interwinded their hands together and walked to others

" Is everything alright now ? " Jin asked both of them as they nodded

" How about the others ? "

" Jimin agreed too ,we don't know about Jeonghan " Wonwoo replied

They both looked at Yoongi and Jimin who were hugging each other like their lives depended on each other

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were at another table , Seungcheol is trying hard to convince Jeonghan, after a few minutes of waiting it seemed like he agreed too

They walked back to the others

" He agreed"

All of them nodded their heads , Seungcheol walked to Namjoon and held his hands in his

" Hyung please take care of him , he's my everything "

Namjoon nodded his head and rubbed Seungcheol arms in a assuring manner

" I will "


Here is another chapter
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