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Sweat covered his whole face as he took some deep breaths within a Minutes Taehyung heard a loud footsteps as someone is running towards him

The door burst open as Seokjin panted heavily and ran towards Taehyung

" TAEHYUNG " he shouted as Taehyung came in his sight , Jin quickly engulfed Taehyung in a hug as his life was depending on him

" What happened" he tried to ask between his heavy breaths

Taehyung's eyes were widened just as before and he slowly pointed at the rotten dead body in front of them as Jin followed his gaze

Disgusted, the thing Jin was feeling at that time while looking at the dead body of a man , it was half eaten by the insects and his dead eyes were still opened as they're staring at the two male infront of him

" Yuckk " Jin said as he covered Taehyung's eyes , Taehyung was shaking continuously and tried to take some breaths but it was of no use as his eyes started to close slowly

" Taehyung , hey Taehyung" Jin rubbed his arms and slightly tapping on his cheeks , " Don't close your eyes come with me " Jin quickly stood up and took Taehyung in his arms and started to walk out from the basement

" WHAT HAPPENED? " Jeno widened his eyes at their figures as he panicked

" There is a dead body there but it's not important now Taehyung needs to get out from here " Jin looked at Taehyung who is still in his arms shaking nonstop

Jeno nodded his head while glancing at the upstairs and they both walked out from the mansion

They're walking by the corridor as Jin heard Taehyung's whispers , " Hyung put me down "

Jin shook his head while still walking
" No you're shaking so much "

" Please hyung I'm not feeling well , I feel like throwing up " Taehyung pleaded as Jin put him down

" Hold my hand " Jin gave Taehyung his hand as he hold it

They walked slowly as Taehyung was still stumbling in his steps , the sunrays come in their veiws as they walked out by the door of the mansion

" TAEHYUNG" they heard loud voice as Taehyung lifted his head but gasped loudly when Jungkook hugged him very tightly

" Are you okay ? Did something happened?   ARE YOU A FUCKING KID ? " he shouted at Taehyung and glared at him

Taehyung looked over him and saw Jimin with his head hung low and besides him was Namjoon

" IM SERIOUSLY GOING TO TEACH YOU A LESSON AND YOU " Jungkook pointed at Jeno before stroming towards him

They widened their eyes when they saw Jungkook punched Jeno very Hardly on his face

Jungkook grabbed his coller , veins of his is popping out as he's very furious


He started punching him senselessly as Namjoon stopped him , Jungkook get a hold on yourself, he will die "

Namjoon said grabbing Jungkook's arms stopping him to kill Jeno who is unconsious at the floor with blood on his face

Jungkook glared at Taehyung as he Strom towards him and tightly held his wrist

A whimper left Taehyung's mouth due the tight hold of Jungkook as he dragged Taehyung with him to his apartment ignoring his all pleadings

Jeno stood up from his place and glared at them before making his way to his car ad left from there , Jin tried to talk to him but he just ignored him

Namjoon along with Jin and Jimin followed Jungkook and Taehyung to their apartment

" ARE YOU BOTH FUCKING DEAF ? IM ASKING YOU BOTH SOMETHING" Jungkook shouted at them while sitting on the sofa and besides him was Namjoon and Seokjin

Taehyung and Jimin stood infront of them hunging their head

Jungkook was not furious on them because of the mansion but he's angry on them as they didn't even informed him before doing something, atleast they could have told him so he can help too but No ! They are so careless

Jungkook called yoongi too as he's on his way

" It's okay Jungkook don't shout on them "

Namjoon tried to calmed Jungkook but he just shook his head

" No hyung you don't know they're so careless, they think it's not important to tell me or yoongi hyung before doing something and Jin hyung " Jungkook looked at Jin

" You should have told me about this and what if Jeno is lying "

" Sorry Jungkook it's my fault too I'm mature then both of them still but you know at that time the only thing in my head was to save Saya "

Jungkook looked at Taehyung one last time before calling someone


Hey guys how's it ?
Ignore the mistakes ✨

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