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Namjoon messaged Jungkook to meet at Jimin's apartment as soon as possible , Namjoon along with Yoongi and Wonwoo is at Jimin's apartment waiting for them as they got the file with them which was not an easy thing but Wonwoo managed to get the file out of that room

The bell rang as Yoongi opened the door

"Do you guys find anything? "

That was the first question Jungkook asked them as soon as he entered the room with others

" Yes , it's there "

Namjoon pointed at a red file on the table , " We got the file with us with the help of Wonwoo "

" Thank you so much hyung "

" Your welcome future Jeon "

Taehyung's ears turned red with his cheeks too as everyone chuckled at his cute behaviour which made him whine a little

" Okay okay stop teasing my baby and let me read the file "

A frown appeared on Jungkook's face when he read the file , his eyes scrunched , " what happened? " Jin asked looking at his face

" Something is missing from here "

" What ? " Jimin took the files in his hands and started flipping the pages

" What are you talking about Jungkook , what is Missing ? "

Jungkook looked at the worried Jin as he spoke , " hyung it's written that they suicide but the postmortem reports are missing "

Wonwoo took the file from Jimin and read it carefully, " he is right , it's missing "

" But how ??? " Was all Namjoon said

They felt in a silence as everyone started thinking about it in deep , a minute ago they were happy that they found something but now there hope shattered as the main thing is missing from the file , of course postmortem reports are the important thing in any case

" I think someone is behind it "

Wonwoo said fixing his glasses as everyone snapped in his directions immediatelty

" But who could do it ? As long as I remember Jeno told me that his best friend Park Son cheol only had him and about her wife , she was an orphan "

Jin looked at them

" Hyung when did he told you about this ? " Jimin questioned

" When we are at the mansion I ask him about Son cheol family "

Jungkook and Namjoon cursed under their breaths , how they really wanted to get these things done but now they have to wait

" Wait " Yoongi whispered , he lifted his head , " what if Jeno is behind all this ? "

" It might be true "

Wonwoo stood up from his place and looked over to Jungkook

" Jungkook what do you think ? " He asked Jungkook

" I think it's true I mean as Jin Hyun told us Son Cheol had no one else besides Jeno and he told us that he is out of town that day and the most important thing is He didn't even tried to find about Son Cheol death , a normal bestt friend would do it "

" But we can't assume anything" Jimin said

" Okay don't rush things , I think we should first know about Jeno and his past then we will visit the mansion and now after listening to Jungkook's word I didn't trust him at all " Jin said to them as they all nodded

Taehyung stood up , " but what about Saya ? "

Jin walked towards Taehyung and rubbed his arms , " don't worry Taehyung we all wil save her but if we rush things now it might end up bad "

Taehyung nodded his head , he wanted to decline it but when he thought about it deeply he realised that what Jin said is true , they can't rush things

" Wonwoo can you find the person who help Jeno ? "

" Of course Jungkook but it will take some time "

Jungkook nodded his head at him " It's okay we can wait , What Jin hyung is said was true if we rush the things it might end up bad "

Everyone agreed to him but little did they want to visit the mansion once again as soon as possible

" I'll keep an eye on Jeno " Namjoon instist

" Mee too " Yoongi added

" Jungkook , Jin , Jimin and Taehyung will find out about Son Cheol family and call me if you need any help  " Wonwoo suggested

They all agreed to it.


Hey babies !!

What you all think about Jeno ? What if he actually told them the truth but they just assumed the things ? What if someone else is behind all of it ?

Comment you thoughts about it and do likes and please share it too !!

And lastly ignore the mistakes ✨
I love you all 💗

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