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Darkness consumed myself , it's hurting me a lot , I'm stiff my hands , my legs my whole body is stiff , I tried to move but it was just a waste

I feel like someone is holding me very  tightly, I can feel someone's presence, someone is here with me , I wanted to turn around but I can't, the heaviness on my back , someone is sitting on me

My breath , I can't breathe I wanted to get free , it's suffocating

I opened my eyes slowly and everything seemed fine until I saw someone, it's like a shadow but whom shadow

I focused on it , the pain is increasing and I can't breathe properly

What is this ? Is it just a shadow ? Why is it staring at me ? Is it a dream ? But it feels like it's really happening with me , I'm not sleeping , my eyes are open , I'm so confused right now

What is happening?

My mind filled up with this question, I wanted to ask but my mouth , It sealed I can't open it , I wanted to shout , someone help me , Jimin where are you ?

I have been trying this for the past hours but it all was a waste as I slowly closing my eyes

Am I going to die ? Is this is my end ? What about Jungko–

Jungkook , my love my everything I don't want to die soon I wanted to live with him , Jungkook I love you , we will get marry soon I'm not going to give up not on you neither on me

I took a deep breath and trying to turned around,

I hate you , I hate you so much who are you ? Why're you doing this to me ? Why ? Who I am to you ? Go just go away leave me alone

The grip on me is losing , I'm getting free , after a long time .

Taehyung shoot opened his eyes and sat on his bed , he tried to take a deep breath , it felt like he is breathing after a long time

He scanned the room but no one was there , he quickly checked his phone it's 2:30 right now

" But how ? "

He thought.

Taehyung mind filled with a lots of thoughts,

" Was that a dream ? But it feels like hours . It's been 20 minutes since I'm sleeping ? How ? I put my phone on the table at 2:10 after talking to Jungkook and the dream feels like hours , it's not a dream ? My eyes were open too , god what I do now  "

Taehyung opened his bedroom door and knocked on the next door , a sleepy Jimin opened the door of that room

" What happened Tae ? " He asked yawning

" Can I sleep with you ? "

" Okay , come inside"

At that night Jimin sleeped peacefully but there wasn't a single time when Taehyung closed his eyes

The whole night he was wide awake recalling everything.

" What happened Tae ? You look lost is everything fine? " Jimin asked to the male who is staring the white sealing from the past fifteen minutes

He turned his head to Jimin , " if I tell you something will you believe me ? "

At first Jimin frowned but later nodded his head , " tell me tae , I'm your best friend"

Taehyung sat on his knees and hels Jimin's hand , he told everything to Jimin about the window incident to the last night incident

On the other hand , Jungkook got free from the work and came back to his hotel room

The first thing he do after showering is calling someone

On call :

" Hello hoseok , I'm jungkook "

" Oh hey Jungkook , how are you ? "

" I'm good , actually I wanted to talk to you about something , are you free right now ? "

" Yes what happened? "

" I wanted to sell this apartment and buy a new one for me and my boyfriend "

" May I aske why ? I mean you both liked it "

" Yeah but it's just – it's personal hoseok , me and my boyfriend is not sure about this apartment so "

" Ohh it's okay but can you give me a week ? I have to find someone who can buy the apartment and the new one for you two "

" Okay , but please call me as soon as possible "

" Okay I will "

" Hmm bye "

" Bye Jungkook "

He sighed after cutting the call , the reason why he wanted to buy a new apartment is that he doesn't want Taehyung to live there , he is already so terrified

Jungkook wanted the best for Taehyung and for them too , if Tae was not happy there then , jungkook isn't going to stay there against his will.


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