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Jungkook carefully dragged the rope and the hook which was tied up with it. He spun the rope and threw it at the terrace; the hook settled up there with a pipe , Jungkook tried to put a force on the rope in order to see whether it perfectly fit there or not and to his luck , it fitted there strongly

" Hyung you go first " Jungkook said and backed away a little and helped Seungcheol

Jeonghan and others parted their lips when they saw the cloth wrapped around the wound on his knee

" Cheol I'm coming ! " he said and ran away from there to the gate

" NO !  Taehyung please don't let him come here " Seungcheol pleaded tae as he nodded his head and followed Jeonghan

" Fuck ! " Seungcheol huffed and looked at Jungkook, " don't worry Hyung Tae will manage "

Seungcheol nodded his head and started to climb with the help of rope , he hissed as he felt the pain on his knee but somehow managed to climb up there

He peeked down and signal Jungkook as he looked at him with worries eyes

" I'm okay. "

Jungkook nodded his head and started to climb , he put his leg on the window but he stopped

" What happened? " Namjoon asked as he saw Jungkook isn't moving and staring at the door of the room

Jungkook stared at the door for a few seconds , he felt like someone was coming but who , he didn't know ; maybe their others friends

" JUNGKOOK ! " Namjoon and Jimin shouted in unison when they saw the door burst open with a huge force and Saya came inside

She's looking so creepy , the bruises on gher face and whole body were terrible , her eyes , her hairs everything of her is creepy

The blood stains on her dress.

Jungkook quickly tried to climb up but Saya ran towards him and clutched his leg tightly

" Aahhhhh" a scream left his mouth due the tight hold she had on his leg

Namjoon stood there not knowing what to do as his mind went blank but Jimin ran towards the kitchen and came back with a knife in his hands and some other things too

He threw it at her , after missing a few, the knife finally hit Saya as she backed away a little

After all she's a human and she can feel the pain , Jungkook took the opportunity and climbed with the help of the rope and clutched Seungcheol hand tightly

Seungcheol dragged Jungkook's body up as they started to breath heavily

Jimin and Namjoon were looking at them but when they looked towards the window, Saya was gone.

" Are you okay ? " Seungcheol asked while rubbing Jungkook's arms as he only nodded his head

He stood up and looked down at Namjoon and Jimin. , " We are going now , don't worry and don't let Jeonghan hyung come here "

They started to walk on the other side but Jimin's voice stopped them


It's just a sentence for others but for the one whose life is in danger in order to save his loved one's felt the weight of this sentence

We will meet soon , right ? "

They don't know what will happen and what happened to their Friends but the hope in them is all keeping them positive in this time

" That was close " Seungcheol said as he clunged on Jungkook's arms

" Yes hyung "

" You love Taehyung a lot right ? "

Jungkook stopped for a second as he remembered the memories he had with his Taehyung, a smile appeared on his face as he nodded

" As much as you love jeonghan hyung  hmm " Seungcheol nodded his head

" We are getting married soon "

" Will you invite us ? "

" Is this a thing to ask ? Of course I'll invite you all "

They smiled at each other while walking.

We will meet soon.


Hey babies ! How are you all ? I'm not good btw :(
There is swelling on my hand and it's paining a lot , I managed to write this chapter!

It's okay I'll get better soon
Stay healthy and safe okay ?

Do vote comments and ignore the mistakes
I love you so much 💞

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now