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The atmosphere is serious.

They were at Jin's apartment discussing what to do next

" Ummm should we visit the mansion? " Jin asked Jeno who has a serious face , Jeno opened his mouth to say something but Jimin spoke

" But we don't know what might happen there , what If she try to harm us ? We can't risk it right ? "

Jin nodded his head in agreement realising it might be dangerous for them

" But we can't just sit here , it's already been so long since we found out about the girl , she needs our help hyungs "

Taehyung impatiently said looking at them , he doesn't want to wait any longer now ; Jin rubbed his back

" Let's visit the mansion tonight " Jeno Said for the first time on this discussion

Taehyung along Jimin and Jin snapped their head to Jeno's direction

" Are you sure ? " Jin asked not to be sure about it

Jeno nodded his head , " Taehyung is right we can't just sit here "

" But why in night ? " Jimin whispered not liking the idea

" It will be easy for us to sneak at night or else anyone can see us "

" I'm not having a good feeling about it can't we just visit it at day ? " Jimin pleaded

" But - " " I have a plan " Jin said cutting Jeno's sentence in middle

" What hyung ? "

" Jimin can watch for us outside the mansion until we sneak into the mansion and then we can search a part of the mansion by ourselves " Jin said hoping they would agree

" And what about the girl ? " Taehyung looked at Jeno

" She won't harm us "

" How can you be so sure about it? " Jimin asked in worried voice

" She is locked upstairs in a room "

Everyone frowned at Jeno , the confusion was visible on their faces their mind filled with lots of thoughts in just a second
How ? How does he know about it ?

" How ? " Jin whispered

They know what Jin is asking about as tae along with Jimin is waiting for an answer too

" It's not important now what important is we have to save her , she's locked up in the room from half of her life "

" No we can't just trust you , tell us everything How you know about it ? "

Jimin demanded in a serious voice , Jeno looked at their serious faces and sighed ,

" Saya....it's her name , she's my best friend daughter I used to visit them when her parents were alive , they are like my family " he paused as a drop of tear fell from his eye

" but after they died I don't know how I stopped visiting the mansion, I was told that Saya died too by the police , she's like my own daughter I've seen her since she's born , her love for chocolate cake and her favourite doll which I gifted her I saw her growing up "

Tears are falling from his eyes , he's staring at the table , Taehyung moved closer to him and rubbed his back

Jeno sighed and wiped his tears , " as I said I was told that they all died but I was curious , he was my best friend I should know the reason how they died So , One day I sneak at the mansion, everything was so quiet there until I heard Saya's screams from upstairs

" Without wasting any time I ran upstairs in the room but when I reached there I saw Saya laying in her bed , her eyes were shot open as she was facing the ceiling, she looked at me in a creepy way and smiled , slowly her..... Her body started to fly in the air , I was to terrified before she could chased me I locked the door of the room and ran downstairs "

Jeno started to breath heavily , Jin quickly pass a glass of water to him as Jeno gulped down the whole glass of water in once

" I...I was so scared , I didn't know what to do at first I thought it was my imagination but when I leave the mansion I glance at the window and saw Saya standing there looking at me she...the brusises...I..I don't "

Jeno completely broke down in tears , he started to take deep breaths as Jimin and Jin rubbed his back

" It's okay you're fine now " Jin tried to Console him as he hugged him

Tears formed in Taehyung's eyes after listening the whole story of Saya , he feel so bad for the girl , she's there since no one know how long ? She's still a teenagerand no matter what : they have to save her .

" We will visit the mansion today "


Hey guys !
How are you ? Are you all good ?

By the way do you think Jeno is saying the truth ? Is he is worth trusting?

Comment about it and do likes and yes ignore the mistakes ✨

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