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" when will he wake up ? "

Yoongi's voice was heard in the living room , everyone was sitting there as usual waiting for Namjoon to wake up so they can discuss further

Jungkook and Wonwoo were neglecting their works so much and they were worried about it , The cases are pending because Jungkook and Wonwoo attendance is becoming short Jungkook even got a call from higher authorities so he made up an excuse that his grandmother is ill although she died years ago

Jin and Namjoon asked for some holidays and their boss agreed to it but after the holidays they have to work extra time too , Joon didn't like this idea but he can't do anything right now

Yoongi's relationship is good with his boss so it's easy for him to get a holiday

" Let him be after all he was awake the whole night "

Jin said fixing his hair , his forehead is exposed now

" I haven't told you earlier but you're really handsome hyung " Jimin stared at Jin's beautiful face while yoongi snapped his head towards him

" Hehee he's handsome but he's my hyung chill pabo " Jimin snapped back at him

Jin laughed a little at him , " thank you for your compliment "

Jungkook was just sitting there staring at Taehyung whose zoning out at that time , the thoughts of Saya were still occupied in his mind

Taehyung is always like this a kind hearted, sweet , lovable and most importantly caring man , he didn't like it when someone is in trouble and Saya is just a teenager for him

Helping others is what Taehyung loves the most

" Babe " Jungkook shook his arms lightly

Taehyung snapped back his thoughts and looked at him , " yeah ? "

" What are you thinking ? "

Taehyung shook his head , " nothing Koo - "

" Don't lie to me " Jungkook cut Taehyung in the middle , " I know something is bothering you and it's about Saya right ? "

Tae nodded his head but frowned when Jungkook stood up , " come with me " Jungkook said and walked away

Taehyung followed him in the room , he flinched when Jungkook hugged him very tightly but later he wrapped his arms around jungkook

He missed him , he missed his touch so much , his soft gestures , his sweet words , his picked up lines who always left him blushing , he missed his Jungkook

They are hugging each other tightly as Taehyung buried his head in Jungkook's neck , they miss each other's warmth a lot

" Don't worry baby everything will be fine , I'm here with you and If you wish Saya to get free I'll do anything, anything in this world to make your wish complete "

Jungkook said and kissed his head , he slowly caressed Taehyung's hair , Taehyung hugged him more as his life depended on it

" I trust you koo but I'm scared"

Jungkook backed away but his arms were still wrapped around Taehyung's torso and he stared at his face , " why ? "

Taehyung lifted his head a little , "because I don't want to lose you and anyone "

Jungkook gave him a smile , " nothing is going to happen to me and your hyungs don't worry babe I'll always be there for you , I love you so much my love "

Taehyung's cheeks turned red and Jungkook loves it , he loves how his touch made Taehyung flustered

" I love you more " once again he buried his face on Jungkook's neck to hide his blushing face

Jungkook chuckled and patted his head , " if only the things were right we are making love right now "

Taehyung punched him on his chest which caused Jungkook to laugh a little loud

" What ? It's true babe you what will I do when everything settles ? I'll pin you to the bed and - "

Taehyung widened his eyes and quickly put his palm on Jungkook's mouth

" pervert"

Jungkook held Taehyung's hand ,
" only for you "

They chuckled and leaned in connecting their lips

After a long time they had their moment together, they missed each other and now that they got the chance after a month , they poured all their love into the kiss.


Taehyung is looking so cute with the ponytail 🥹 my baby and guys I really wanted to tell you one thing
" Idols are not our slaves respect them and their choices , love them and care for them but don't think they're yours toy "

A video of Jungkook's smoking is viral on the internet, I was worried for him too it's a natural thing right ? We always see him like a baby and love him and of course you'll be worried if someone you love has these habits but then I thought it's not our business right ? He's a grown up man now so hating on him because of these things is just childish

Our love can't change by the fact that he's smoking or anything right ? He's still a baby to me but it's his life so let's just trust him and love him unconditionally!!

My boba ball 🥹💕

Anyways do vote and comment and ignore the mistakes ✨

I love you all 🫂💗

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