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Taehyung felt very guilty for not telling Jungkook about Saya and their plan to save her as he looked at Jungkook and saw how pissed he was
" If only Tae told him about it "

Jimin was standing in front of the mansion but his anxiety was at its peak as his best friend still inside Mansion

He was roaming here and there ; mind was still occupied by the thoughts of Taehyung but he stopped when he heard Namjoon's voice

" Hey jimin "

" He.hey hyung "

" What are you doing here ? Infront of this creepy mansion " Namjoon roamed his eyes

" Nothing hyung ehm what are you doing here ? " Jimin tried to change the topic

" Oh I went for the groceries shop– "

Namjoon stopped in middle of the sentence as they both heard a loud scream , it wasn't so clear but loud indeed

They snapped their head towards the mansion as Jimin stood frozen , he didn't know that it was Taehyung's scream but he thought it might be Taehyung as he rushed towards the mansion door

Namjoon panicked seeing Jimin running towards the mansion , he ran behind him and stopped him

" DONT GO THERE " Namjoon said in a panicked voice and held him tightly

" But hyung...tae Taehyung" jimin voice broke as he struggled to get free from Namjoon's grip

Jimin eyes filled with the tears as stated soobin loudly still struggling

" What ? " Namjoon eyes widened as he realised what Jimin was trying to say


Namjoon dialled Jungkook's number which they exchanged recently, after a few rings Jungkook answered the call as Namjoon told him about Taehyung being in the mansion

" Jin hyung and Jeno is with him too hyung " Jimin sniffed

" Why ?? And how do you know Jin ? Are you all mad ? "

" HYUNG " Jungkook shout at Namjoon


Jungkook glared at Jimin , his veins are popping out as it clearly shown how anrgy he was

" WHERE ? "

Jimin flinched at his words as he pointed at the mansion door , Jungkook took a step towards the mansion but stopped when he saw Taehyung along with two guys coming outside....

They arrived at Jimin's Mansion along with Namjoon and Jin , Namjoon was going to stay here too with them as he was very terrified and afraid about the Saya and now that he knows about her being possessed ; there is no chance he is going to stay there alone
and about Jin ; Jungkook suggests to to stay with them as they can discuss the things and it might be dangerous for him to stay at his house alone

On the other hand , Yoongi was so mad at them just like Jungkook , he scold them so much until Seokjin stopped him

" koo " Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who is laying beside him facing other direction , it's midnight as all of them were sleeping but Taehyung and Jungkook was still awake

Taehyung tugged Jungkook's hand and shake him a little

" I'm sorry "

" Not now Taehyung I don't want to talk to you "

Jungkook only uses Taehyung name when is very angry or serious

" I'm sorry koo , I love you "

Taehyung hugged Jungkook but frowned when he didn't hug him back

" I won't do it again I promise"

Jungkook didn't replied to him but later frowned when he felt something wet on his shirt , he lifted Taehyung head and saw him crying

He sighed and wiped his tears as his eyes softened

" I forgive you now stop crying"

Taehyung nodded his head but still the tears were flowing from his eyes , Jungkook putted Taehyung head on his chest and start carresing his hairs

" You don't know how much you mean to me , how important you're to me Taehyung , I thought I loose you when I got to know you're at the mansion" he stopped and tooka deep breath

" I don't want to loose you , I didn't even know how to live without you , you're the reason I'm alive and the reason I'm still breathing, I don't want anyone but only you "

" My day starts and ends with you..I love you so much , your existence gave me a reason to exist "

Jungkook hugged Taehyung very tightly and cried his heart out while Taehyung is crying too

They both embraced each other in their warmth and let Their tears fall away


How I wish I have a boyfriend like Jungkook 🙂

Anyways how's it ? Comment and do vote

And ignore the mistakes ✨

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