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A sigh left from his lips ninth time now and later he swiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, he is feeling so nervous and scared of the thoughts of being failed

Namjoon tapped his foot continuously on the wooden floor as he was waiting for Jeno to appear soon , he messaged him hours ago and to his luck Jeno accepted the invitation

" Namjoon ? "

He heard someone calling his name as he turned around and smiled a little seeing the person , " hey man "

Namjoon extended his hand as they shook their hands

" How have you been ? "

" Good I guess what about you ? " Jeno asked Namjoon while taking the seat in front of him

" But all of sudden you invited me for a drink ? "

Jeno eyed Namjoon suspiciously but Namjoon remained calmed

" Nothing I invited others too but they were busy so I thought of calling you here "

" Thank God Jungkook is not here I don't know what will I do if I see him "
Jeno said while gritting his teeths

" As you can "

Namjoon thought.

" Oh forget it , he loves Taehyung so much that's why " Namjoon said

" Still I hate him so much "

It's purely visible how much Jeno hate Jungkook

" It's okay now we are here "

Jeno nodded his head but still looking furious

" Hey it's okay I know you both don't like each other that's why I didn't call him here " Namjoon tried to change the topic so he can execute their plan

" You did the right thing now Where's the drink ? "

Jeno roamed his eyes to find the drinks

" I haven't ordered it yet "

" Why ? "

" I was waiting for you "

Jeno nodded his head , " So ? What would you like to drink ? ' he asked Namjoon

" Vodka ? Yes vodka " Namjoon replied

" Okay then vodka "

Jeno called the waiter and ordered the drinks and snacks for them


Jimin and Yoongi asked the few neighbours about the apartment but it seemed like no one knows about it

The people questioned them that why they're asking for the Mansion so they replied to them that they're the couple who is looking for an apartment

Some neighbours looked suspicious as they avoid the topic of the Mansion , maybe they were scared ? Both of them thought

" It's the last one "

Yoongi said before knocking the door , he's waiting for her boyfriend but he's taking a long time

Mrs. Kang slowly opened the door ,
" yes young man ? " she asked politely

" Yoongi " Jimin called him but frowned looking at Mrs Kang

" Oh Jimin " she smiled at him

" Hey Mrs. Kang how are you ? "

Jimin bowed ; Yoongi stood there totally confused

" I'm good what about you ? And who is he ? She pointed at Yoongi

" He's my boyfriend "

" Oh come inside "

Yoongi was confused that how they know each other but followed them later

On the other hand , Jungkook and Wonwoo messaged them that they found the address of the man who helped to hide the postmortem report


Hey guys how are you all?

Sorry for the late update I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible

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Ignore the mistakes ✨

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now