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Taehyung sped up on his tracks to match Jeonghan footsteps, he is worried for Jungkook too and only he knows how much he really wanted to go there and help them but it's not a right thing to do as the others male are already really tensed and worried about the situation there

He knows how Jeonghan is feeling right now and indeed Seungcheol wound was deep but he has stopped him before he can go inside the mansion

"Hyung !" Taehyung shouted as Jeonghan stopped on his tracks and turned around to see the latter

Taehyung ran towards his direction and stopped in front of him while panting heavily

" If you're here to stop me from going there then , you're wrong Taehyung, I'm going and that's final !"

Taehyung shook his head and spoke

"Hyung first just listen to me please?"

Jeonghan nodded his head , " speak "

" Hyung I know how much you're worried about Cheol hyung , I'm worried about Jungkook too but you can see how much tense they're already and if you or any one of us go there they'll be more worried "

" But tae , you see his wound right ? He needs me Taehyung, we have already gone through a lot and you know what ? He always pushes himself in order to make my life better , in New York too , he worked for hours , he let go of his studies but make sure I graduated from a well known university

He is from a rich family but still he works under someone else just to pay my university fees and not to affect my perfect lifestyle ! "

Jeonghan's voice cracked as he remembered the time when they have no one to help them but still Seungcheol made sure that they live a life they always desire for

" I'm tired tae , why is it always Seungcheol? Why not me?"

Taehyung's eyes teared up after listening to Jeonghan, he hugged him tightly

" I know how it feels hyung as in my case it's always Jungkook "

Taehyung doesn't know what to do at that time as he can feel Jeonghan

Why is it always Jungkook? Why not him?

" Hyung don't cry hmm or else your boyfie will beat me " Taehyung joked around and Jeonghan chuckled

" Then I'll beat him "

Jeonghan backed away and wiped his tears as well as Taehyung wiped his own

" They're are just over protective towards us hyung, they love us so much that's why they didn't want us in any trouble and it's not always them , sometimes it's us too

When they need someone to rely on , we are always there for them right ? Isn't it's common in any relationship? And hyung don't ever think you didn't do anything for Seungcheol Hyung, when he needs someone you are always going to be his first choice"

Taehyung paused as he looked at Jeonghan who is understanding what Taehyung is saying.

" Its always 50/50 in a relationship right ? "

Jeonghan nodded his head

" You love hyunga lot right ? " Taehyung asked Jeonghan with a hint of playness

" As much as you love Jungkook" Jeonghan replied with a happy smile on his face

" Oh god! "

Jeonghan chuckled at Taehyung but he stopped when Taehyung spoke

" We don't compare what we did in a relationship hyung, if Seungcheol Hyung let of his things then it's you too who adjusted in it "

Jeonghan felt relieved after hearing this, he felt free from the burden he had from years

Why didn't someone tell this to him earlier?

Of course, if Seungcheol changed his life style and sacrificed something then it's Jeonghan too who adjusted himself according to him.

" Thankyou tae "

" Always hyung "

Taehyung and Jeonghan smiled at each other before hugging each other once again.


Heyy babies !
Sorry for the late update but I promise you I'll update as soon as possible it's just my hand hurt a lot , the swelling is still like before

Anyways do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨
And read my other book too and there is a little surprise for you'll

Heheee I'll tell you when this book gets over !

Love ya

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