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The night passed like a jiffy and now it's morning, Taehyung , Jimin and Jin were making breakfast for them while others were in the living room discussing about what to do

After an hour of discussion they finally come to the conclusion that they have to know more about Jeno and his past if they want to know about Son cheol

"when he is totally drunk , hyung will take advantage of it and ask him the questions right ?

Jimin asked after listening to the whole plan of Wonwoo and Jungkook

" Yes and Wonwoo along with Jungkook will go to the police station and re-check the whole files or will find the person who works in the station at that time "

Jin finished as he pointed at them

" And what about the picture Taehyung showed us ? " Yoongi who was silent in the whole discussion spoke

" Let's ask Jeno who she is ? "

" What ? No ! " Namjoon snapped his head at Jin

" Don't worry we will tell him that Taehyung took a picture of that painting and ask him if he knows who she is , not anything else "

" I think Jin Hyung is right " Wonwoo agreed

" Jin hyung and Taehyung , you two can visit Jeno house in noon as Namjoon hyung will ask him to have a drink at night "

Jin and Taehyung nodded their head at Jungkook

" But guy what if he declined it ? "

" You're so negative Jimin "

Jimin glared at his best friend who is trying not to laugh

" He will accept it "

Wonwoo smrik

" Then what will he and Yoongi hyung do  ? " Taehyung pointed at Jimin

" They will ask the neighbours about that mansion and the university students about Jeno "

Jimin showed a thumps up to Jungkook


Jungkook and Wonwoo is in the room where the cases filed were , they're rechecking the files in hope that they will find the postmortem reports of Son Cheol in any of them

" I don't think we will find something here Jungkook "

Wonwoo streched his arms

" I think of that too so ? "

" Come with me "

" But where " Jungkook asked confusly

" Just come "

They walked out of the room and made their way outside of the police station , Wonwoo approached the watchman of the building infront of the station

Jungkook followed him quietly and frowned as he saw the watchman who is looking like in his 50s

" Can you help us ? " Wonwoo asked the watchman as he turned around

The man eyes widened in fear as they look at Wonwoo with fear , he remembered his every sin in just a second

" What..sir ? "

" You don't need to be afraid I'm here to ask you some questions"

A sigh of relief left the man's mouth as he nodded

" Come with me "

The man followed Jungkook and Wonwoo to their car as sat there quietly

" Since when you're working here ?

" Half...of my life "

Jungkook looked at him with a questioning face

" You're not lying right ? " Wonwoo asked eyed him

" No..no you can ask the owner "

The man feared looking at Wonwoo serious face

" Do you know someone who worked in the station before and share something about Son cheol case ?

Jungkook just silently listening to them , the man shook his head at first but when Wonwoo threatened him , he hesitately nodded

" I don't remember what he told me about that case but I can give you the address of him who knows about it "

" Who ? " Jungkook asked

" Yun Hyeok , he is the cleaner in the station but left his job a long time ago , I ask him but he said it's something personal but he gave me his address "

Wonwoo and Jungkook looked at each other in relief , Wonwoo took his pocket diary and gave it to the man

" Write it "

The man wrote the address and gave it back to Wonwoo

" Listen here if you tell anyone about it I'll – "

" No I won't sir "

Wonwoo nodded his head , the man left the car and ran away from there

" I'm sure he remembered all of his sins hr had done " Jungkook said laughing at the man running figure

" He was so afraid anyways we have his address now " Wonwoo showed the diary to Jungkook

They sighed in relief and left from there .


Hey guys !!
Sorry I was busy :(

By the way what do you think about it ? Will Namjoon succeed or not ?

Do vote , comments and share it too and ignore the mistakes ✨

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