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The shimmering rays of sun entered through the window and spread all over the bedroom and on sleepy Taehyung too , he groned lightly and shifted in his space to snuggled in the crook of Jungkook's neck

He spreded his arms but realised Jungkook was not there

He yawned and open his eyes ," koo?"

" Yess !! " Jungkook shout was heard indicating he is in bathroom

Taehyung saw the time; it's early in the morning Jungkook's office will open at two hours later from now

a sound of door opening was heard as Taehyung lifted his head , " koo you woke up early "

" Well good morning baby and yes I got a call from my client, I have to take a flight to Busan it's urgent "

" You're telling me this now "

Jungkook took out his clothes from closet , " I didn't knew it baby , I got a call at 5 "

Taehyung checked his phone it's 5:45 he stood up from his bed , " at what time you have to be at airport? " He asked

" At 7:30 and I'll come back after 2 days  "

Taehyung pouted , " I'll be alone here"

Jungkook enugled him into a hug and his head , " I'll call jimin okay he'll be here with you "

Taehyung nodded his head but sadness was visible in his eyes

" Wait I'll make something for you " he turned around but Jungkook held his wrist

" No I'll make it , you go and fresh up"

"Okay "

Taehyung and Jungkook were having breakfast but Tae's mind was occupied by something else , it's the time in their relationship when Jungkook is going out without him, no matter how important the thing is , Jungkook always came home at night but as he said that it's urgent so he can't do anything

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung is playing with his food , " baby " he said and put his hand on Taehyung's

" Yeah "

" Don't worry I'll come back as soon as possible "

Taehyung just hummed , Jungkook stood from his seat and hugged Taehyung, " if you want I'll cancel this"

Taehyung shook his head , " No it must be important, it's just I...I'm afraid "

" Why ? "

" The wind– "

Jungkook lifted Taehyung head by his chin , " Tae there is no one , you don't need to worry and Jimin will be here too , I talked to him "

Taehyung nodded his head

" Come , I'll feed my baby " Jungkook said

It's almost time for Jungkook to leave, they're sad about it for other people it's just two days but for them It's feel like something else

They cuddled with each other as Jungkook showered Taehyung with lots of kiss and hugs

" Okay I'm going now and make sure to lock the door properly" Jungkook said heading outside the apartment

" Take care koo and call me whenever you get free , I love you "

They kissed each other slowly , their lips were moving in a sync after few seconds they back away

" Call me if something happens and I love you even more baby , make sure to eat and –"

" Koo I'm not a baby " Taehyung pouted

" You're a baby and Jimin will be here at noon "

" Okay , bye take care "

Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips one last time and made his way to elevator, they waved there hands at each other until Jungkook disappeared from Taehyung's sight

With a heavy heart he came back inside and turn on the tv and laid on sofa

Jungkook were in taxi , he is kept thinking about Taehyung , and that window thing

" It's really terrified him "

Jungkook thought.

He pull out his phone and dialled someone's number but cut it because its still 6:20 at the morning

It took him twenty Minutes to arrived at airport , he messaged tae that he arrived and will call him when he land at Busan

Jungkook dialled Jimin's number

On call :

" Hello Jimin "

" Hello " Jimin replied with a sleepy voice

" please take care of Taehyung and make sure he eat something"

" You don't have to worry about it jungkook I'll take care of him "

" Yeahh – and Jimin " he paused

" What ? "

" Stay beside him okay ? And if something happens call me immediately"

" Okay koo "

" Byee "

" Byee "

He ended the call as it's already time for take off .

Jungkook wanted to tell Jimin about the window thing as he doesn't want Taehyung to look at the window once again but he thought that it would frighten Jimin too so he didn't tell him anything .


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