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Namjoon and Jin knocked at the wooden door in front of them , Jungkook gave them the address of Yun Hyeok as they reach there

A lady opened the door , she's looking like she's in her 30s

" Hello I'm Seokjin can we meet Mr. Yun Hyeok? "

The lady stared at them for a few seconds

" I'm his wife and Yun Hyeok died a year ago "

They were so shocked after listening to the lady , Yun Hyeok was indeed a important Person in this case but now that he died , they don't know what to do now

" What ? " Namjoon said pushing Seokjin aside , " it's very urgent Mrs. Yun if he's inside please let us meet him "

" What do you think I'm joking? He died a year ago from cancer If you don't believe me you can ask my daughter Should I call her ? "

" No no it's okay " Jin said

" But who are you two ? We haven't met right ? "

" I'm Seokjin and we are working in a case so he want his help We didn't knew it that he died "

The lady saddened, " he had lung cancer and he was a alcoholic " she broke down into tears

Jin and Namjoon didn't know what to do but Jin said , " I don't know what to say but please don't cry for someone who's no longer here with us You live alone with your daughter?

She nodded her head while wiping the tears , Jin pulled out his wallet from his pocket and counted the money

" Here have this I know it's not enough but please accept it "

" No I can't — "

" As your brother please "

Jin putt the cash on her hands and smiled at her , " can I have a pen ? " He asked

The lady nodded and called her daughter to bring a pen , she's like Saya's age

" Here " the girl gave Jin the pen with a paper , he wrote down something and gave it back to the lady

" Here's my number call me if you need anything and don't hesitate I'm like your brother" he smiled

" Write my number too " Namjoon said , he snatched the paper from her hand and wrote his number too

" I'm like your brother too " he showed his dimples to her

" Thankyou so much " the lady smiled back at him

" Take care bye "

" Bye bye uncle "

The girl wave her hands and theyeft from there

" Call Jungkook " Namjoon said to Jin but he shook his head

" Not now he's with Seungcheol and Jeonghan and we don't know how they're handling the matter there Let them come back home then we will talk about it Now come let's have a look on Saya "

Namjoon really wanted to decline it , the thoughts of the mansion is enough for him to get scared but he too care for Saya so he nodded his head

They left from there, they took a bus from there and after 20 minutes they were infront of the mansion

" Let's see if she's on window or not "

Jin said as he peeked to the window but found no one there

" She's not there ? " Namjoon asked as Jin shook his head

" We have to do something really quick Jin I don't like the idea of waiting now She's a teenager , we need to rescue her as soon as possible Jin "

He is right the more they wait the more harm caused to Saya , Jin nodded his head

" I know , we can't just wait now "

They have to do something now , it's enough now

Jin's phone rang as he saw the Number, Jungkook was calling him He answered the phone

" Yes Jungkook "

" Hyung can you come at J'moon restaurant and inform Yoongi and Jimin too it's urgent "

" Okay we are coming "

Jin cutted the call and looked at Namjoon , " what did he say ? " He asked to Jin

" He said to meet at the J'moon restaurant with Yoongi and Jimin too he said it's urgent"

Namjoon nodded his head , " let's go then "

They called Yoongi and told him to meet at J'moon with Jimin


I'm back 😁
I upload two chapters for you all

Do vote , comments and ignore the mistakes ✨

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