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Taehyung woke up from his sleep and sat on the bed while leaning on the headboard, he stared at Jungkook's sleeping figure as his cheeks turned crimson red remembering the last night

He touched his cheeks with both of his hands and looked over to Jungkook  who was sleeping on his stomach naked , Taehyung traces Jungkook's face with his fingers and stared at him trying to absorb the light of his face .

" you know you can touch me " Taehyung eyes widened listening to Jungkook's words

" Isn't he sleeping ? "

Taehyung thought.

A chuckle was heard from Jungkook's mouth looking at Taehyung's flustered face , he sat up on the bed and pulled Taehyung on his laps

Taehyung gasped at the sudden interaction and his eyes widened , he clutch the duvet tightly and covered their lower region

" I love you " Jungkook sweetly said to his boyfriend who is now a blushing mess

Taehyung smiled at him and said" I love you too "

Jungkook leaned in to kiss him but Taehyung backed away , " morning breath " he said but Jungkook shook his head , " I don't care " and kissed Taehyung slowly yet passionately

after a heated make out session Jungkook backed away as Taehyung inhaled a large amount of oxygen

A mischievous smirk was plastered on Jungkook's face , " can we have round three ? " He asked

Taehyung's ears turned red , he shook his head looking at him , he is still sore from the last night events

Jungkook chuckled , " Don't worry baby I know you're sore but let me just kiss you once more "

Their make out session disturbed by the phone call as they parted their lips Jimin was calling Taehyung

Jungkook put Taehyung back on the bed and left for bathroom

" Good morning Jimin " Taehyung greeted him

" Morning tae , are you free today ? "

" Yes "

" We have to discuss something seokjin will be there with jeno and I'll pick you up around 1 "

" Okay " he cut the call

Taehyung sat there in silence , a moment ago he was happy and free from all of his problems but now he has to deal with it

He came back to reality from his thoughts when he heard the bathroom door opened , Jungkook was drying his hair with a towel he looked at Taehyung and smiled softly

" You can take a shower I'll prepare breakfast"

Taehyung nodded his head and wore his clothes and made his way to the bathroom

Jungkook and Taehyung were having their breakfast while Jungkook was busy on his phone and then there is Taehyung whose mind is occupied by the girl , he looked at the curtains and sighed

They have to make a move now

" Koo " Taehyung said stuffing the package bite in his mouth , Jungkook lifted his head up from the phone and hummed

" I'm going out today with Jimin "

Jungkook nodded his head , " okay then I'll prepare the dinner for us and make sure to enjoy "

Taehyung smiled at his Boyfriend , he feels very lucky to have someone like Jungkook in his life , when they first started dating in university everyone near them said that Jungkook was very possessive and Taehyung will be going to regret it

But , as time passed Taehyung realised that there is no one better than Jungkook for him , he supports him , loves him , cares for him and moreover respects him and his space how else would he ask for ?

Jungkook maybe possesive for him but in the end his love is all Taehyung needed .


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