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Jin  Namjoon Yoongi and Jimin reached the restaurant together , Jin called Jungkook and asked him where he is , after a few minutes of searching they finally found them sitting near a big glass window and they saw two unfamiliar faces with them

Jungkook waved his hand and gestured to them to come where he was sitting with others

" Seungcheol , he is Seokjin Namjoon Yoongi and his boyfriend Jimin " Wonwoo pointed at them one by one and introduced them to the couple

They exchanged glances and smiled at each other while taking the seat

" I'm Seungcheol and he is my fiancee Jeonghan" he introduced themselves as well

They all nodded their heads and smiled at them , " so shall we start? "

Wonwoo asked as they nodded

" Jin hyung what about Yun Hyeok ? You guys met ? " Jungkook asked

" Actually jungkook, he died a year ago We met his wife there "

The table felt silent

" He died ? "

" Yeah he had lung cancer " Namjoon replied to Taehyung

Seungcheol put his hands on his eyes and sighed while rubbing it

" Look here Jungkook I don't know about anything I just want my Saya back It's been years since she was there alone and I really don't want to know about Jeno anymore" he said in a serious voice

" But — "

" He is right jungkook" Jin cut Jungkook in the middle

" Jin Hyung you too " Jungkook was annoyed now , isn't it important to know who was behind it ?

" Seungcheol what about your brother? You really didn't want to know how he died ? " Jungkook asked Seungcheol

" I — he's dead now and I really don't want my remaining family to suffer , We can work on this later too but now Saya is more important to me right now "

Seungcheol said as a matter - of - fact

" You know we can't help the person who died but we can save the person who's alive " Jeonghan voice heard after a long time

" And what about the justice? "

" Jungkook try to understand he is right , Som cheol is dead now and we can find it later who was behind it but Saya She's alone there "

Jin tried to convince Jungkook , he frowned but Taehyung held his head and squeeze it

" Babe they're right "

Jungkook had lot of thoughts in his mind but nodded his head and agreed to them

" Okay then "

" So what's next ? " Jimin asked to them

" Today " Seungcheol just said one word but they knew the meaning behind it , he will visit the mansion today no matter what , if they want to join him they can join

" Are you sure ? " Jin voice was heard

They all nodded their heads

" Today , it's final but " , Jungkook paused in his sentence then looked at Seungcheol , " tae , Jimin , Namjoon hyung and Jeonghan will not visit the mansion " he finished

The ones who were heard snapped their heads to Jungkook immediately , Yoongi and Seungcheol nodded their heads in agreement

" But why ?? " Namjoon asked with his eyes wide opened, it's true that he didn't want to visit it but he didn't want them to go alone and as a hyung it's his responsibility for their safety

" Hyung I don't want them to involve in this It's – it's too dangerous "

" I agree with you " Seungcheol said

" But koo we want to help you all "

" No tae please I don't know what might happen there and I really don't want to risk anything, if you're there with me I'll feel weak "

Taehyung wanted to argue , he opened his mouth say something but Jeonghan spoke , " No, we will join you I don't know about them but I'll never let Seungcheol go there without me "

Seungcheol held his hand , " baby try to understanding he's right I can't risk you please you're the only family left please baby "

Jeonghan shook his head , " no you try to understand me "

Taehyung looked at Jungkook as well as Jimin at Yoongi , " Yoon no please " Jimin shooked his head

Tears started forming in their eyes

" Babe try to — "

" What do you mean by try to understand? Huh ? You three will feel
weak and what about us ? Do you all ever think about us ? We will be anxious if you all go there without us Kook please baby please "

" Please Cheoliee "

Jimin nodded his head to , Yoongi kissed his cheeks and smile at him softly, " don't you trust me ? "

He asked the question out of nowhere
Jimi nodded his head

" Please chim trust me I'll be back We'll be back I promise "  Jimin shook his head and hugged him , " yoo..n " he sniffed


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Here you go with another chapter
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