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Namjoon were on his way back home , he's really tired from earlier and a little drunk too but he's happy that he got some information about Son Cheol from Jeno

Jeno is not a easy man to lure , he avoided the topics related to his personal life but Namjoon is Namjoon , he knows how to deal with this types of people that's why Jungkook and Wonwoo send him there

Taehyung called him earlier to ask him how it was going and now it's almost 4 in the morning , at some point Namjoon really wanted to punch Jeno but his patience level is kinda good so he controlled it and beside that he is older than him too

Everyone was sleeping peacefully but only Jungkook was awake , he stood up from his bed when he heard the door bell ringing , he make his way to the door and opened it and saw a really tired and a little bit drunk Namjoon

Jungkook grabbed him by his arms and came inside the apartment

" Hyung are you okay ? " Jungkook asked while supporting Namjoon to sit on the couch

" Yeah yeah I'm okay just a bit tired by the way everyone sleeping ? "

" Yes wait let me grab you a glass of water wait here "

Namjoon massaged his forehead with his hands while waiting for Jungkook , he really wanted to sleep now as the whole night he was awake

" Here " Jungkook gave him the glass of water as Namjoon drink the whole in once

Jungkook took a seat beside him and rubbed his back , " hyung you shoul sleep now "

Namjoon just nodded his head

" I'll help you "

" No it's okay and why are you still awake ? " Namjoon asked as he stood up from his place

" I was waiting for you "

Namjoon looked at Jungkook and saw the sincerity in his eyes , maybe Jungkook has anger issues and he's a bit possessed but he's not heartless , he cares for ones who cares for him and love him

" I – Jungkook " Namjoon didn't know how to complete his sentence

Namjoon lived alone here in Seoul as his family lives in other city so it's the first time someone was waiting for him the whole night

" It's the first time I feel like someone will wait for me in home "

Jungkook gave him a genuine smile

" Of course hyung they're waiting for you too but I told them to sleep you know everyone sleeping schedule changed a lot from the past month "

Namjoon nodded his head , " I really met a lot of good people " he showed his dimples

" Aye just go and sleep now hyung "

Jungkook pushed Namjoon a little to walk further

" We will talk about it when you wake up " Jungkook shouted not so loud , Namjoon showed him a thumps up

In the middle of these hectic things they found true friends, Jin is the eldest and he is" let hyung do this "  type of person

Namjoon a bit coward but a very responsible man with cute dimples

Wonwoo who always ready to help them and a very selfless man

Yoongi is a bit sassy but a serious one when it's about his friends

Jimin a cute little mochi who loves Taehyung beyond anything and same goes for Taehyung too , their friendship is so adorable

Taehyung is a cute little baby of their group who cooks for them and feed them with lots of love

And lastly Jungkook , fearless , possessive, a cute little bunny who can do anything in order to protect his loved one's

They wish their friendship last long.


" Oh my god " this was the reaction I had when I watched slow dancing mv , my baby is looking so beautiful and charming and SEXY too :)

I couldn't focus on anything beside Taehyung , my friends were discussing about it and someone said you know the fruits were floating too and I was like " huh ? Is there any fruits too ? My whole attention was on Taehyung only " and they laughed at me as the result I watched the mv two times

By the way what was your reaction? And most importantly stream layover or else I'll yeet your all asses 🔪 and if you guys have any doubt so you can ask me I'll help you

My baby deserves a lot

Back to the story how's it ? Do vote and comment and as usual ignore the mistakes

I love you all 🫂💗

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