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One year later

"Aah kook fast- faster!" Taehyung managed to speak between his moans as Jungkook thrust in him

" You're - so tight baby" Jungkook grunted near Taehyung's ear.

The only sound in the room is their moans and groans as Jungkook devoured every single inch of Taehyung's skin

He saw Taehyung was biting his lips so, he quickly crashed his lips on his and started kissing him deeply. No matter how many time he kissed him, the sweet taste of Taehyung's lips is what Jungkook always want more and more.

The hickies and love bite is in, deep colour of red, it's going to be there at his collarbone for alteast a week.

Taehyung clutched Jungkook's hand tightly as his thrusts became more rough and more deeper by the time passed.

He planted open mouth kisses on  Taehyung's necks as he sucked the skin leaving a new hickey

"You- don't know how much i- wait for this" Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung was moaning mess as he only nodded his head feeling so much pleasure after a long time.

"You want more?"


"As my baby wish"

Jungkook said thrusting and grunting.

Soon, Taehyung felt something building up in his stomach as he know he's going to cum soon.

"Koo - I'm going to- cum "

"Mee too baby"

After a few thrusts Taehyung finally cum on Jungkook's hand as he rolled his eyes back while buring his head on the pillow, Jungkook was still thrusting his lifeless body as after a few minutes later the thrust became sloppier. He reached his high too as he cum with a satisfactory moan.

Jungkook slowly pulled out his member from Taehyung's hole as he let go of the protection and threw it on the nearest dustbin and walked towards his closet.

He pulled out one of his favorite shirt and walked back to where Taehyung was laying

"Is my baby tired?" He asked while helping Taehyung to sit up

"I can't feel my legs!" Taehyung hissed feeling a bit pain in his lower region

"I'm sorry but it's your fault"


Jungkook helped Taehyung wear the shirt as he pecked his lips, "yes , why did you called me daddy while looking so adorable?"

"I just wanted to see how you react —!"

"Awee, I'm so sorry love"

Taehyung huffed looking at Jungkook as the latter chuckled on his cute behaviour, Jungkook stood up and walked to the bathroom and after few minutes he came back with a towel and a bowl of water in his hands

"Let's clean you up"

Jungkook cleaned Taehyung fully and the cum on the bedsheet too, he threw the towel in Dustbin

"Wait I'll be back after shower"

Taehyung nodded his head.

Jungkook came outside of the bathroom shirtless as he only wore his trouser, he walked to Taehyung and get in the duvet too.

Taehyung put his head on Jungkook's chest and hugged him tightly while Jungkook caressed his head softly

The weather of the new York is cold as it's almost new year in few days

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now