epilogue ♥️

399 22 9

✿ three years later

The sweet smell of pancakes filled the whole house as Taehyung spread some chocolate sauce on it before placing it on the dining table with two glasses of milk beside it.

"Rise and shine, it's pancake time!"

He heard some footsteps as he turned around to face his husband and his beloved son, Taegguk running towards the dining table.

"Good morning dad!" The littled boy smiled at his dad while Jungkook helped to sit on one of the chairs.

"Good morning my baby! Did you sleep well?" He ruffled his hairs softly as Taegguk giggled while nodding his head, showing his cute smile to his dad.

"Ehm ehm- I'm here too!"

Jungkook said looking at his husband and his son.

Taehyung chuckled and made his way towards Jungkook and ruffled his hairs too ,"good morning my big baby—"

"What's good in this morning?!"


"You didn't even give me my morning kiss huh!" Jungkook scoffed, Taehyung found it cute.

"I'll give you one after you drop Taegguk to school" Taehyung whispered near Jungkook's ear as the latter widened his eyes while nodding his head



"Why you - both are whissprring"

his parents chuckled after listening to their baby and the word which sounds so cute from his mouth beside he not even said it clearly.

"Nothing, you both have breakfast till then I'll prepare your tiffin" Taehyung said and left from there

The opening of the door was heard as Taehyung snapped his head to see his husband coming inside with a smirk on his face.

He locked the door of their house and made his way towards his husband who was sitting on the couch watching some kDrama.

"We are alone now!"


Taehyung tried to act dumbfolded but Jungkook became serious.

"My kiss!"

Taehyung tried to to laught at his husband who's whining like a kid asking for a candy.

"Wait why I'm asking when I can have it—" Jungkook said as he walked towards Taehyung

He sat beside him and took him to hs lap while connecting their lips together.

Jungkook stood up from his place as Taehyung wrapped his legs around his torso clunging like a koala. Jungkook made his way to their bedroom without breaking the kiss

Soon, Taehyung back touched the soft mattress of their bed as Jungkook laid him down fully and parted away

"Do we have condom and lube?"

"What! No! Aren't you late for your work?"

"Work can wait baby but for now I want to fuck you so bad" Jungkook smirked at his husband

"But we had sex yesterday!"

"Doesn't matter now be a good boy and strip"

Jungkook looked in the drawer as he found a packet of condoms and lube beside it.

He wore the condom and spread a thick amount of lube on it.

He saw Taehyung sitting on the bed completely naked as his smirks grew more ,"my good boy!"

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