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After burning the body they started walking upstairs from the basement silently, still terrified by the thoughts of someone being here with them. Wonwoo took the lead as Jungkook was behind him then Yoongi then Jin and lastly Seungcheol

"  Is it the blood ? " Jin looked at dried blood on the staircase , " I didn't see it earlier".

" Yes it is " Jungkook replied to him

" But whose body was that ? "

" We can find it after saving Saya Hyung , I'm not letting it slide that easily ".

Wonwoo was so serious saying this words , afterall he's a police officer and it's his job to found who was behind it all

" hyung , can you tell us is there any exit beside that main gate? " Jungkook asked Seungcheol

" Yeah , there are three or four more exit "

Yoongi snapped his head towards him
" how many rooms this mansion have ? "

" Three living rooms , nineteen bedrooms , four master bedrooms , a kitchen, Library and a room where my brother kept his paintings, one his office , dining room " he finished as all other widened their eyes

" Is there anything left ? " Seokjin asked as Seungcheol nodded his head

" Four store rooms, six bathrooms and a room where the important thing kept in like papers and all "

" Where they are located? "

" Ten bedrooms with two living rooms and three bathrooms here , downstairs and the rest are upstairs " Seungcheol said , " and we have three staircases one there "

He pointed at the staircase behind where Jungkook was standing,

" and the other one is in the other side of the mansion where Jungkook went earlier and lastly

one in the middle but we didn't see it as it started in one of the big room , we kept it secretly as only family members, workers or close friends knows about it "

" Are you guys a king or what ? " Yoongi asked

" You can say that " Seungcheol replied

" This mansion is so big and we can lost in it easily so stay beside each other " Wonwoo roamed his eyes through the living room they are in

Seungcheol nodded his head

" If you lost your path then it might be difficult to find the way to exit  "

They nodded their head , " come on let's go where Jungkook went earlier it's in this direction "

They nodded their head and started walking , they kept waking silently and carefully looking at everything in thier way but Suddenly Seokjin felt a presence behind him

He turned around but no one was there , he flashed his light in one the room door

The gate is opened but he didn't find anyone there so he kept walking with them

" I thought someone was there " Seokjin said as everyone snapped their heads at the direction he is  pointed

" stop , I'm scared right now ! " Yoongi said

Seokjin nodded his head and glance at the door one last time before walking, he is sure he saw someone there

They reached the staircase where Jungkook went earlier as they took a step and started walking upstairs

The mansion was Indeed so beautiful, they walked past the paintings.

Everyone was silent there , no one uttered a word but only they knew how many voices were there in their head

Jungkook was walking but he stepped on something which made a loud noise, Seungcheol flinched at the loud voice

" What happened! " Jin said loudly

Jungkook bent down and saw a doll on the floor

Jungkook picked up the doll and looked at them , he showed the doll to them

" It's a doll don't worry "

Jungkook putted the doll side at the stair and began walking


Hey babies !
Here is another chapter
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A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now