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Jungkook's heart begins to beat loudly, he isn't afraid of death but the promise he made to Taehyung will break  , he turned around and sighed in relief when he saw Wonwoo there standing in front of him

" You scared me ! " Jungkook panting heavily trying to take deep breaths

Wonwoo just nodded his head

" I thought of checking upstairs, maybe Saya is there "

" Maybe "

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but his phone started ringing , he pulled it out from his pocket and saw Jin was calling him

" Jin Hyung is calling "

He answered the call

" Hello hyung "

" We found the body kook but it's worse than before, we are in the basement, come here "

" Coming hyung "

He cut the call and looked to Wonwoo

" They found the body come let's go "

They started to walk back to the basement, Wonwoo was still silent, he didn't utter a word throughout the way and Jungkook didn't even notice it too as he is more focused on Saya

Jungkook checked the time and it's exactly 11 , it's been one hour since they got into the mansion

They walked past the chairs section and finally entered the living room where they parted their ways , Jungkook took the bag with him and started searching for the basement gate

Wonwoo pointed his finger at the gate looking at Jungkook

" Let's go " Jungkook said and started to walk as Wonwoo silently followed him

He carefully led the way flashing the torch , Jungkook saw some black spotted on the stair same as Taehyung saw before , he bent down and traced his fingers on the stain and his eyes widened realising what it is

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He carefully led the way flashing the torch , Jungkook saw some black spotted on the stair same as Taehyung saw before , he bent down and traced his fingers on the stain and his eyes widened realising what it is

  Dried Blood

The blood stain dried completely and it turned black as time passed by , he stood up and started to walk , soon the opened metal door come in his view

Jungkook passed the door and called Jin

" Hyung ! " He shouted

" Here " Jin shout was heard as Jungkook started to follow the way the voice came from

He passed by the shelves and saw Jin Seungcheol and Yoongi standing there while Wonwoo is bending down beside the body while examining it

Jungkook turned around in a swift but no one was there

" What happened? " Jin asked looking at Jungkook , he walk to him and rubbed his shoulders

" Won..Wonwoo "

" Yeah ? " Wonwoo stood up from his place , " what happened kook ? "

" Wonwoo was with me , we came here together "

Wonwoo's eyes widened as well as Jin's Seungcheol's and Yoongi's

" No he's with us , we called him first before you and he's with us since the past 20 minutes" Seungcheol said

" But I swear I checked the other side of the mansion and I met him there , we walked Here together "

" Oh my god " Wonwoo put his hand out his mouth , " give me the bag we have to burn this body "

Jungkook nodded his head and passed the bag to Wonwoo

" Fuck we have to do it quickly" Yoongi said while looking at Jin as he nodded his head

" Jungkook are you okay ? " Seungcheol asked

Jungkook nodded his head , " I found it weird that Wonwoo didn't uttered any word but I just shrugged it off "

" That means...Saya is not locked "

Yoongi completed his sentence as they stopped in their word and looked to him

" But I didn't saw her "

" Shit burn this " Yoongi pointed at the body after listening to Jungkook

Wonwoo took out the petrol and the lighter from the bag , he pulled the body off from the shelves and laid it in the Middle , he stood up from his place and Quickly spread the whole petrol on the body and burned it

They saw the big flames as the body is completely burning

" This is not that spirit body " Wonwoo said while looking at the flames

" The spirit supposed to stopped us from burning the body but it didn't"

" We have to be careful "


Hey babies !!
Here is the another chapter, do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨

A girl locked in a room || taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now