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Jimin and Yoongi were sitting on the couch comfortably while Mrs .Kang was making coffee for both of them

" how do you know her ? " Asked the curious Yoongi

" I came here with Taehyung to ask about the mansion she's the one who gave us Jeno's address "

Yoongi nodded his head but a bell ranged in his mind , " She knows Jeno too ? "

Jimin nodded his head , " yeah why ? "

" What if she told him about us ? "

Jimin realised it too and widened his eyes , " you're right now what do we  do yoongi ? "

Yoongi started to think of some excuses, Mrs. kang entered the living room with the tray in her hands

" Here's your coffee "

She put it on the table and sat across them 

" Did you guys talk to Jeno ? " She asked

" Yes but can I ask you something? " Yoongi snapped back immediately

Mrs. Kang nodded her head before sipping the coffee

" How do you know Jeno ? I mean he is your relative or something "

" No no he was the best friend of Son cheol that's how I know him , we met at a party held by Son Cheol and Luna his wife "

Yoongi and Jimin were so happy inside about the fact that Mrs. Kang know about Son Cheol

" Who is Son Cheol ? "

Jimin asked

" The owner of that Mansion and Luna his wife " Mrs .Kang face fell down

" What happen Mrs. Kang ? " Jimin asked seeing her saddened face

" They were a happy family but they died years ago and we don't know how , the police inquired it but found nothing, they said that Son Cheol suicide with his wife but as long as I know they were so happy and their daughter Says she's a happy pill "

Jimin stood up from his place and hugged Mrs. Kang who is in tears ; she hugged him back

" it's okay Mrs. Kang "

Mrs. Kang nodded her head and backed away while wiping her tears

" If you don't mind can we ask you more about Son Cheol ?

Jimin glared at Yoongi , how can he ask her that after knowing she's sensitive about this topic but Yoongi didn't show any emotions he know that this is important too , he doesn't want her to cry again but if she tell them the whole thing they can save Saya as soon as possible

" Okay ask "

Taehyung called Jimin but he didn't pick it up , it's 1:00 pm and Jimin and Yoongi didn't at home , he called Namjoon few minutes ago but he was busy with Jeno

Jungkook and Wonwoo were at home too with Taehyung and Jin , they sighed in relief when they got to know that both Jungkook and Wonwoo bring the address with them and now they're waiting for everyone to discuss further

" Call him once again Tae " Jungkook asked Taehyung to call Jimin again after 20 minutes

Taehyung dialled Jimin's number as he picked it up after a few rings

" Where are you pabo ? We are so worried for you both "

" We'll be at home in an hour don't worry we are fine "

Jimin ended the call

" What did they say ? "

Jin asked as soon as the call ended

" They will be at home in an hour and Jimin said not to worry for them "

" Where are they " Jungkook was so curious

" Let them be Jeon  and they said not to worry about them "

Wonwoo said and stood up from his seat , " I'm hungry "

" Wait let me serve you dinner and you two eat your dinner too it's going to be 2:00 pm soon "

Taehyung said and left from there to the kitchen


Do vote and comments and ignore the mistakes

I really wrote it in hurry so ignore the mistakes as I'll edit it soon !

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