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Seungcheol breathed a large amount of oxygen as they landed at the Incheon airport just a Minutes ago

He called Jungkook and asked him where to meet as he really doesn't want to visit his own house or you can say his brother's house now , Jungkook replied that where he is comfortable they can meet there so Seungcheol gave him his friend's restaurant address

Jeonghan looked at the love of his life who was just staring at the road outside from the window, he placed his hand on Seungcheol's and gave it little squeeze

" You know I'm with you right "

Jeonghan said in a very sweet voice , his voice is really so sweet but it's just extra when he is with Seungcheol

Seungcheol nodded his head and put his head on Jeonghan's shoulder , only he could fix it , only jeonghan could fix him.

Jeonghan ran his fingers on Seungcheol's hairs

" I love you so much " the words slipped from his mouth as Seungcheol nuzzled more in Jeonghan's neck

" I love you even more "

" We faced a lot of difficulties earlier too and I know you're my strong baby but it's okay to cry , you can cry as much as you want it won't reduce your pain , our pain but you will feel better after this "

A tear slipped from Seungcheol's eyes after listening to Jeonghan

Jeonghan knows how Seungcheol avoided showing his emotions to anyone and sometimes to Jeonghan too , because of the difficulties they face together it made Seungcheol like this

Seungcheol is exactly like Jungkook , a bit cold but lovely to his loved ones , possessed but not controlling, and love Jeonghan beyond anything and Jeonghan is like Taehyung, sweet , kind , caring , bubbly and cheerful in nature

A few minutes have passed and now they're in front of their friend's restaurant


It belongs to his and Jeonghan's friend Moon Junhui who helped them a lot in their bad time and cheer up in their good time as well

They entered the restaurant and asked the receptionist

" Can I meet Moon Junhui ? "

Seungcheol already informed Junhui that they're coming back to korea for a short time

" Are you Mr. Seungcheol ? "

The lady asked while fixing her glasses , he smiled at them

Seungcheol nodded his head and returned the smile

" Oh come with me Mr. Moon is waiting for you "

She said to them and they followed her

The restaurant was very beautiful and big , the smells of different food occupied the whole area , it gave a luxurious vibe , Junhui really worked hard on it as a years ago it looked like a normal restaurant

Memories of their friends bloomed as they roamed their eyes

They used to visit it every Saturday when Junhui's father was the owner

Seungcheol, jeonghan, Junhui , Minghao, Sana and Momo were the best buddies and still they're; just busy in their lives now

A lady opened a brown door and gestured to them to go inside, there sat Junhui with some paper in his hands

He felt someone's presence and lifted his head from the papers to them , he let go of the paper and stood up

" My hancheol " he make his way to them and hugged them tightly

Giggles with the whole room as the bestfriends reunited after years , they met each other at Momo and Minghao wedding and since then it was there first meeting

" Junhui how have you been ? And what about uncle and aunt ? "

Jeonghan asked the one after backed away from the hug

" I'm good and mom dad too , you both don't know how much I missed you both ahh I'm so happy "

Junhui's smile is still the same , but he looks more handsome than before , he is tall , cute , handsome, sexy , gentle , caring and responsible everything a women wish for.

Seungcheol told everything that why they're here to Junhui and about his brother too , Junhui eyes softened listening to them so he cheered up their mood by his silly jokes

They memorize their old memories and laught and giggles like they used to do.

Jungkook asked Jin and Namjoon to visit Yun Hyeok house as he , Wonwoo , Taehyung will meet Seungcheol and Jeonghan

They agreed to it and parted their ways from the bus stand


I told you earlier in a chapter that only few parts are left 😂 but it's not true I changed the ending that's why it will take some more chapters to finish

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Ignore the mistakes ✨

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