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Seokjin found something unusual about the doll , he nudged Seungcheol and spoke , " the doll still has cells isn't it unusual "

" Maybe the cell isn't dead yet " he replied as Jin nodded his head

They're walking in the corridor passing the paintings on the walls , it's getting more dark there as it's almost 12 in the night

Yoongi flashed his light on one of the doors and his heart missed beat when he saw the same doll there

" Wonwoo ! " He snapped at them while calling Wonwoo

" What happened"

" The doll " he pointed at the door but frowned when it was not there

They looked at the direction he's pointing bur saw nothing

" There is nothing"

" But it is there "

Wonwoo parted his lips to say something but a loud voice echoed in the mansion, someone is laughing loud

A girl

They stood there tried to process what has just happened but Wonwoo scream at them

" RUN ! "

They all looked behind them and that's it

" FUCKKK ! " Yoongi scream as they started running from there but Saya is still behind them

Seungcheol slipped hard on the floor as the blood started running from his knee , he turned around and saw Saya is coming with a creepy grin on his face , he tried to stand up but his legs gave up as the nail went deeply on his knee bone

The feared of Being chased by her grew

Jungkook turned back when he didn't saw Seungcheol and ran back towards him

" Hyung "

" Jungkook no ! Go away "

Jungkook shooked his head and took Seungcheol in bridal style and ran

At the end of the corridor there are two ways , Wonwoo Jin Yoongi took the right one while Jungkook and Seungcheol ran towards the left

The paintings on the walls breaks down as the glasses shattered on the floor with the loud noises

Jungkook saw a room in the end and quickly ran inside it and locked it from inside

He put Seungcheol down on the floor and ear drops , a loud noises of someone's panting was heard but after few seconds it became silent

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He put Seungcheol down on the floor and ear drops , a loud noises of someone's panting was heard but after few seconds it became silent

Jungkook looked towards Seungcheol and sat beside him while examining his wound

" It's deep" he whispered while looking at his knee

" Yeah there's a nail "

Jungkook eyes widened as he removed the ripped jean cloth from his wound , a gasp left his mouth when he realised how deep it is and nail was stuck on hi bone

" We have to remove it "

" But how ? " Seungcheol asked

Jungkook stood up from his place and started searching for something to Remove the nail fom the bone

" I'm worried about others " Seungcheol whispered while limping, he tried to stand up but fell with a loud thug

" Don't hyung , or else it'll hurt and about them , they're fine I guess let me call them "

Jungkook looked on his bag for his phone, he took out the phone from his bag but there was no signal

" Shit , the signal "

" What should we do now "

" I don't know hyung first let me treat you "

Jungkook found a plier in his bag and looked at Seungcheol

" It'll hurt a lot "

Seungcheol nodded his head as Jungkook took the plier near the wound , he plucked the nail as a loud scream left Seungcheol mouth , the blood started dripping from the plier too

Jungkook put a force on plier and plucked the nail out

" Sorry hyung " he said as Seungcheol only nodded his head while putting his lips between his teeths tried to control his screams

Jungkook took out his shirt and ripped it apart from the corner and wrapped it around on Seungcheol's knee

" We have to go out as soon as possible or else it will get infect "

" First see if we go out alive or not " he tried to joke but Jungkook sighed

Seungcheol looked behind Jungkook as he realised that there is a window , Jungkook looked at his direction and saw the window too

This is the window, which is infront of their apartment


Heyy babies !
Guys I told you that i thought of writing a fanfic or taehyung as mafia , I posted it on my account
" Dominantly Mine " is the title,  support it too as you all are supporting this fanfic 🥹

Here you go with another chapter
Do vote comments and ignore the mistakes ✨

I love you all ❤️

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