Chapter Two

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  ••:Watching You:••

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••My head is foggy as my eyes flutter open and I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes

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My head is foggy as my eyes flutter open and I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My head feels like it's turned to syrup and is too thick to be running right now.
My eyes wander over to my dresser, seeing the orange pill bottle sitting on top of it. Shit. Good thing my mother or Aria didn't walk in and see that.

I stand, waiting for the dizziness to fade before I snatch it up and shove it back in the back of my underwear drawer. The last bit of the oxy I had left.
I told myself I'd sell it or lose it, now there's such a small amount left it would be pointless to sell. I didn't even realize till I woke up and felt like this that I probably took a little more than I should have.

I make my way into the bathroom, eyeing myself up and down in the mirror. Looking at the smudged mascara under my eyes and drained look on my face. I don't think that look has gone away since the accident, everyone is always telling me I look so tired and I am.. Not from lack of sleep although that has been a problem occasionally. I'm just tired..

Tiredly I run a brush through my long red hair. I've always taken pride in my hair and styled it every day with either curls or braids or something I found online but I stopped caring about that too.
Ella always had the cutest braids and twists she'd do on Tiffany and I but I can't find the energy for it anymore. It doesn't look the same as when she'd do it.

My hair is long and thick, it's somehow managed to stay healthy despite all of the toxins and drugs I put in my body. It stops just above my hips and naturally has some wave to it.

I twist it into a lazy bun before heading down the hallway and into the kitchen. Feeling like I drank too much last night but I didn't, I just took oxy.

"Good morning honey" my mom tells me sweetly as she moves quickly around the kitchen, dressed in her normal nurse scrubs. Her dark brown hair is twisted into a straight braid and stops just below her shoulders. "Morning" I mumble, taking a seat next to Haley whose ripping apart a microwavable waffle.

"I am going to be home late, there's some mac and cheese from last night you guys can heat up for dinner" she tells me and I nod as I pull the fridge door open, searching for something to eat. "We ate mac and cheese last night" Haley tells her. Actually we eat mac and cheese almost every night, that or something canned. It's cheap..

I close the door, giving up finding anything. We don't have much, other than a jar of grape jelly, some cheese sticks that I would bet are rancid and some cheap lunch meat. Bills were harder than normal this month which means we'll be strapped to afford much else for a few weeks. "Leftovers are always better though, right?" My mother asks Haley who shrugs before she kisses the top of her head.
"Oh! I told Aria you'd go with her to return her library book, take Haley with you" she tells me and I roll my eyes before I reluctantly nod.

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