Chapter Forty Six

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•:One Step At A Time:•


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I sit across from Lily. The two person table scattered along with many others in the outdoor seating area at the Lai'Lola Inn.

A five star hotel, the bottom level solely a restaurant. An expensive reservation needed if you have hopes of attending dinner. Lunch and breakfast however is first come first serve as long as your bank account can handle it. The place echos with the sound of cash fluttering and high end watches reflecting sunlight, it's grand to say the least the quality of the food is no exception. Certainly not that of a regular hotel.

Most of the tables, if not all occupied by two's of people, some with extra chairs pulled up for bigger groups. One might wonder why so many fucking people are having breakfast at the most expensive restaurant in town at nine in the morning but this is Figure Eight and it would be more concerning if the place wasn't filled with rich and prominent people.

Soft music and chatter of those around us fills the air along with sweet and savory smells.

The six story building sits high and mighty, large oval windows aquatinted with balconies for each of the three top story levels. Columns perched on every corner, elegantly carved wooden beams lining the start of each level, purposely placed vines crawling along the outer walls. Tall elegant iron fencing lining the perimeter of the building. Perfectly trimmed bushes of white roses scattered out in prestigious pattens along with square trimmed hedges and jasmine. Pathways of rock squares sunk into luscious vibrant green grass. Stone fountains on either side of the grand glass doors that lead back into the inside area. The water of the ocean casted out in the distance.

Resplendent to say the least but I'm only focused on the view in front of me. Dark red hair tamed into soft thick waves that cascade over the creamy silk like skin of her shoulders. A sliver of cleavage taunting me through the fitted top of her light blue sundress. Thin straps that tie into dumb bows.

I told her to dress like a girl for once only to taunt her. I didn't expect her to actually listen and put on a dress but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to suppress myself from ripping it off of her and taking her against the wall.

The way it hangs at her mid thighs like it's begging me to taste what's underneath. Although I know what's underneath is a pair of shorts because we took my bike and she spent twenty fucking minutes tucking the damn skirt of her dress around her thighs so it wouldn't blow around.

I only had one helmet being that I'm one fucking person. I slipped the damn thing over her head and tighten the chip strap to fit her before she could protest. I had no issue riding without one being that I used to for fun sometimes for the thrill of I don't know..possibly dying? Like I said, a thrill. I have great confidence in my skills being that I've been riding since I was sixteen. It would take quite a catastrophic freak accident to throw me off enough that I crashed. If I had any doubt in my abilities at all, Lily wouldn't as much as sat on the damn thing.

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