Chapter Four

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I wake up feeling disoriented and nauseous. Aching all over like I've been hit by a bus. My eyes sting and my nose is slightly runny. My head is throbbing like I've been drinking all night. It hurts to move..

The last thing I remember was hitting my bed, my nose burned from hitting the pillow a little too hard but everything after that is black. I do however remember my unfortunate nightmare that is more of a recurring memory that haunts my sleep here and there, one of many. They aren't usually an exact situation that happened but something similar, almost always more intense and makes me want to never close my eyes again.
I'm frequently awoken by Aria or my mother almost always accompanied by crying Haley because I was screaming and woke them up. Sometimes I envy my youngest sister because she won't ever know what it's like to grow up the way Aria and I did. Although Aria only experienced a sliver of it. I got the worst of it, my father lived to torture me. I just wish I could forget it all.

I stand from my bed, slowly. Worried I may pass out. Something falls from the bed side and hits the ground with a rattly thud. Seeing it's my pill bottle I sink to my knees and reach under the bed to snatch it up and pop the cap off, almost feeling my heart drop when I see there's only a tablet and a half left. Panicking not only because I took too much but also because it's almost gone. This little bit won't give me much of a high at all.

Something red catches my eye and I stick my hand under the bed, wrapping my fingers around the cold hard object as I pull it out. My brows pinching together as I stare at a syringe with a thick red bank wrapped around the middle. What is this and where did it come from? I don't shoot up, I never have. It's my last moral left.

I twist it around in my hand, wondering if I gotten so bad that I used it for something and don't remember through my high.

How did I not overdose? I must have been on the brink of it and that's why I feel this shitty. I've come close before but I've never felt this horrible.

Suddenly I become aware again of it all. Reality hitting not only my mind but my stomach as well.
The door flies open behind me as I run down the hallway, sliding on my knees as I start harshly gagging into the toilet. Nothing but saliva and bile coming up. I have nothing in my stomach.

A bitter taste lingers on my tongue as I swish with some water and wipe my mouth. My throat burning as I try to catch my breath. "Lily?" I hear my name called before the bathroom door creaks open and Aria steps around it, her brows drawn together worriedly as she eyes me up and down, almost suspiciously. I take notice of her earphones, one in her ear while the other hangs down. The white cords patched up with duct tape.
"I'm fine" I tell her, leaning against the sink, shifting my weight back and forth from arm to arm. I don't want her getting skeptical again. She doesn't know what I've been doing lately but she knows what I've done before and that's enough to raise questions in why I'm vomiting my guts out right now.
"Are y-"
"Hungover" I immediately cut her off. She isn't stupid, she wouldn't buy much less if she buys that at all. "I'm hungover" I tell her. Her eyes sweeping me up and down again, shifting from the toilet then back to me. Scanning my face for a moment before she gives me a slight nod. With that she shuts the door behind her and leaves.

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