Chapter Seventeen

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              •:You've Done It Now:•


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"Too much information?" I ask scrunching up my nose as John B smirks shaking his head. "It's..quite a handful of..details to hear" he raises his brows and I feel heat rise under my cheeks although I'd never feel embarrassed in front of him.

He just can't make me feel that way. "But I get it" he tells me and I feel relief wash over me, relaxing back down into the couch. "Really?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah..honestly don't know why but I do and you don't need to hate yourself for it Lil" he tells me. "He's a total prick but he's really never done anything to you..anything that would make it repelling to feel that way, well other than coming up with that whole deal" he makes quotations with his fingers. "Maybe it's toxic to still feel anything for him at all after putting you through that but if that's what you feel than be toxic as long as your not hurting yourself than why does it matter if you make the best of it?" He asks, his words seeming to fit the missing pieces of my worries like a puzzle. Filling my concerns in. That's just what he does, he has a talent for it.

"You're the best you know that?" I ask and he smirks, swatting his hand in the air. "Don't mention it" he says. Both of us looking up when we hear JJ's dirt bike. "And he knows?" He asks looking back at me and I scrunch up my nose. "Not..the details.."

"Oh Rafe is coming by the way.." Sarah tells me and I roll my eyes as I rummage through my bikinis. Most either Sarah bought for me, Kie's that she gave me or ones I stole..

I settle on black one that I stole from Sam's boutique I stole a bunch of jewelry from a few weeks ago.
"I told him to leave you alone" she adds, as she pulls her hair into a ponytail and I strip, before pulling the bikini on. "I'm sure he will, he only likes to torment me in private" I sigh. That sentence sounding one way to her but meaning a few different ways to me.
I tug my hair from the braid it's been in, falling in big beachy waves over my shoulders before I pull on a pair of shorts.

It didn't take a whole lot of convincing from Sarah to make me go to some kook party. All I heard was alcohol and the potential to sucker some drugs off someone. Drugs on figure eight are different than on the cut.
On the cut there's meth heads and tweakers, on figure eight it's spoiled rich kids snorting coke and going on about their rich fancy lives while getting crossed on expensive alcohol they stole from mommy and daddy's liquor cabinet.

I couldn't care less, I just want whatever I can get.

Rafe being there isn't even a concern tonight. He's been at almost every other kook party I've been to, I've just never paid attention to him and I don't think he'll do anything. He wouldn't want everyone to know he has anything to do with me.

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