Chapter Ten

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•:You're Not In Control Here:•


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"For fucks sake" I grumble as my phone starts buzzing. I swat around under my pillow trying to find it.
Four least I got that. I'm blinded by the bright light, squinting my eyes. Not surprised to see the notification.

Jackass: get here now

I let out a long tired sigh. I was beginning to feel lucky that maybe he'd forgotten about me, maybe he did but apparently he's remembered..
Tiredly I roll out of bed, finding a zip up hoodie and bra before slipping it on.
I'm already in a pair of sweatpants and a tank. I tug on my converse before quietly closing my door behind me.
"Where are you going?" I almost scream when Aria scares the shit out of me in the hallway. "Fuck you scared me!" I whisper shout at her, trying not to wake Haley. Our house in so small, the walls are so thin and all the rooms are crammed together in the tiny hallway. "You scared me, where the hell are you going? It's almost one in the morning" she tells me, narrowing her eyes on me.
When did she become such a mom? "To JJ's..mind your own business" I lie, moving past her.
"You better not be going to buy drugs" she tells me but I ignore her. I should have used the side door in my room..

I send him a text, letting is asshole self know I'm here.

"Do you have any other facial expressions? Or is pissed off child just the default?" I ask as he closes his door behind us. "Shut up Alilia" he tells me but I only roll my eyes, I'm not sure why I feel more confident tonight. In more of a mood to piss him off. Maybe it's from the four Rafe free nights I was granted. I'm not as sickly sleep deprived plus Kade was able to get me a few more oxy tabs and that's helped..quite a bit.
His phone buzzes drawing his attention off of me and to it. I hadn't thought about it until now..if he's still fucking other girls. I don't want to catch something and with the way he sleeps around, I most certainly would. I'm not playing around with that however I'm not even going to try and discuss that with him tonight or on any night that I'm here to be used.
I still don't feel safe putting myself in a situation where he'd get pissed off and I'd be alone with him. I wouldn't trust him not to hurt me.

My eyes wonder around his room, taking it all on. I've never really looked around before. It's always been dark which isn't any different tonight. It's dark with only the moon flooding in the three large arched windows that fill the wall. If they're like the ones I'm Sarah's room, they open and you can climb onto the roof to sit.

His bed is a large, appears to be a queen size with a darken stained wooden frame. White sheets and what appears to be black bedding but the moonlight tells me it's navy. There's a window seat underneath the three windows that lines the wall, just like Sarah's.
A door is slightly cracked on the opposing wall of the bed, I assume it's a bathroom, again like Sarah's.
There's bookshelves filled with different things, books and photos and other clutter but it's hard to make much of it out in the dark. There's a dark wooden night stand on either side of the bed, only the one to the left has a lamp. I assume that's the side he sleeps on.

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