Chapter Twenty Eight

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  •:The Only Person Jealous Here Is You:•


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The sound of my phone dinging vibrates through my ears and my eyelids flutter open meeting dark navy sheets and sunlight.

My nose filled with the scent of either his cologne or body wash. I'm not sure what it is, my brain just recognizes it as him.. Sharp and musky with cool hints of pine and something along the lines of citrusy.
He just smells so good.

My tummy does a funny thump type of thing when the fuzziness from my sleep fades and I remember I slept over here last night..slept in his bed with him.
I sit up, still wearing his shirt. Seeing he's still asleep, turned away from me. "Turn that the fuck off" he growls a second later and I roll my eyes. Finding my phone in the sheets, reading the texts from Sarah about a beach party on figure eight tonight thrown by Topper. Does that mean his bitch sister will be there? His twin, Tessa Thorton.
Maybe she will be there and I can clock her in the face.

Stupid bitch..
She's always been a little snot. And tried to start rumors that Sarah had cheated on her brother with John B which wasn't true..or maybe it was but I stand by my Sarah. She tried to break it off with Topper and he just wouldn't relent so technically it wasn't cheating. In her eyes they were already over.

She's three years older than us, just like Rafe and Topper yet she's not satisfied in her own boring life that she has to come after a teenage girl.

I haven't been around her much aside from the few times she came over with Topper to the Cameron's and I was there with Sarah. hanging all over Rafe and following him around. I remember Sarah saying she's always been obsessed with him as long as him and Topper have been friends which has been since they were eight or so. If she thinks she's going to have some brothers best friend love story then she needs to be fucking knocked out into the middle of next and wake up with some fucking sense..He's mine to fuck and Liam is his best friend..Liam doesn't have a sister.

I can feel the jealousy swirl in my stomach, my skin growing warmer the more I think about her..I need to calm down, she might not even be there and plus, he's literally laying right next to me. I feel a faint smile grow my lips as I glance down at him. Texting Sarah back before tossing my phone down.
Scooting closer to him and sinking back down against the pillows. Sliding my arm over his side and leaning over his shoulder, feeling his abs under his tee shirt making butterflies zoom around my stomach. "Get off of me" he practically growls into his pillow, but I ignore him, only pressing my body deeper into his. "Did you know Topper was throwing a party tonight?" I ask into the crook of his neck, having an extremely strong urge to kiss him there and see what he does but I refrain.

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