Chapter Thirty Five

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•:The LightHouse:•


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My eyes flutter as I'm pulled softly from my sleep. My body wrapped in the warmth of Rafes arms.
My nose filled with his scent and that same fuzzy fullness dances around my chest.

Wincing when I shift and feel the stinging in my arm, followed by yesterday and I do my best to shove it down.
I turn into him, our chests pressing against each others as I slide my arm under his bicep and wiggle as close as I can to him. I was never someone who liked to 'cuddle' especially while I'm sleeping. Occasionally when one of my exes would sleepover or I would sleep at theirs they'd want to and I didn't care for it.

I would get claustrophobic or uncomfortable. I wanted by space and the ability to lay however I wanted without someone being in the way and I'd usually push away from after a few minutes and scoot away so I had more room. But not with Rafe. With him I can't get close enough and I'll stay glued to his side the entire night and I hate when I have to move in the morning.

I'm still upset with him.. He really didn't help by treating me like shit yesterday but I do feel bad about hitting him. I shouldn't do that but when I get so angry my temper just takes control and I can't stop myself. It's gotten me into trouble before and I should have learned. I know Rafe wouldn't hit me back like Kade did and that was before he started being as abusive as he was.

We got into a fight because he was staying at some girls house and things escalated. I got too mad and slapped him. I don't want to think about it too much if I remember correctly I either shoved or punched him too.... It isn't an excuse for how he treated me and the awful things he did but in all honesty, I did hit first in our 'relationship'

It only happened once with him and with another ex when I shoved him because he had insinuated I cheated which I had..

I shake the thoughts away, sinking deeper into Rafe and burying my face in his chest. I feel almost nauseous about hitting him even if he was being a total fucking jackass, I shouldn't have hit him.
And I shouldn't have done it when I went through his phone either.

I want to be angry with him but I can't find it. I'm still hurt over how he treated me but the anger has seemed to dissipate. My eyes flutter open, falling on his chain that the sun is reflecting off of. Lifting my hand and brushing my fingertips over it before dragging them down his chest. Feeling chest move as he breathes.

I trail my fingers over his arm, if he was laying on the opposite side I could see his tattoo on his other arm. Or if he was shirtless all together I could see both of them.

I drop my hand, sliding it back around him before pressing my forehand to his chest and breathing him in. Musky and warm with a cool hint of pine and something almost citrusy. He smells so fucking good.

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